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About 3KIDS4US

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    Paulding Com member

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  • Place of Residence
    Hiram City
  1. I was at Walmart in Hiram loading groceries into the car and heard it. A lot of car alarms started going off immediately. Still don't know what it was.
  2. Your insurance will only go up if they get points. If you plead no lo, you do not get any points.
  3. If this is your son's first ticket, you do not need an attorney. You can plead "no lo" once every five years. This means that you will not get any points, so the insurance won't go up. the judge will not look at any evidence. you plead guilt, not guilty or no lo. If you plead not guilty, you are given a court date for another day. If you plead guilt ir no lo, you pay your fine and come to the class. The judge doesn't adjust fines either.
  4. There is one in Dallas in a couple of weeks. I will see if I can find the info on it. Also, Lithia Springs High School has their "Christmas in Lithia" coming up in November.
  5. He was at the intersection of Ridge Rd. and Poole Bridge/Waters Rd. It is a really bad intersection. He stoppped at the stop sign, looked left, looked right, but did not look left again before he went. A car hit him that was on Ridge Rd. There have been 2 other wrecks in the same place since his. It was still his fault. He should have paid more attention. We sent him to a defensive driving course after the accident to help him.
  6. The next class is November 27th at 7:00. It is free to the public. It is on the first floor of the courthouse. After you go through the metal detectors, it is the big room to the left.
  7. Thanks for the compliments, but I am just doing what is necessary to raise them. I tell them all of the time, I am not raising them to be children, I am raising them to be adults. If I don't do anything else, I want to raise my children to be responsible adults who take ownership of their mistakes. So many young people now blame everyone for everything that happens.
  8. I will be going with him, and I am bringing his 16 year old sister and almost 15 year old brother. I am going to tell my friends who have teens about it to see if they would like to go too!
  9. My 20 year old son had a wreck in June and was sighted with "not yielding after coming to a stop at a stop sign". We thought that all we would have to do is call and find out how much the fine was, and pay it. However, the county has started a new program. Everyone who receives a ticket that is under the age of 21 MUST go to court. We went this morning. It was very interesting. Before the judge called any of the young people up, she called up any parents that were there with them. She explained that over 60% of the traffic cases are for people under 21. Therefore, she gives them ALL pr
  10. One day my husband saw a police officer at that intersection give about 6 tickets. As soon as people got in the gore, he motioned them over. My husband talked to him, and he said they do it every so often, and each ticket is an automatic $125. Wrong is wrong. Do I think the turn lane should be extended? Yes. But until it is, I won't be driving in it.
  11. If you are one of the people that turns left off of Nebo onto Bill Caruth in the morning, this is for you. The yellow hash lines behind the turn lane is not a extention of the turn lane. It is called the "gore", and you are not suppose to drive on it. Every morning, there is a long line of cars turning, and a lot of people ride in the "gore". I do not. So, if you choose to drive in it, that is your choice, but don't honk your horn, flash your lights, or motion for me to "get over". It is a $150 fine if you get caught, and just because everyone else does it, doesn't mean I will. End of my
  12. The boys responsible just showed up at my house to clean up what they did. I know the boys and their parents, and they are doing the right thing. Thanks
  13. Apparently, some of them were in my yard and driveway last night. I came out this morning to find pieces of balloons and shaving cream all over my house and cars. We have been getting door bell rings at all hours of the night all summer, which is bad enough, but now this. I know they think it is funny, but I don't. I have an outdoor camera that I am going to hook back up tonight, and if they come back, I will have them on camera, and it will go to the police. Enough is enough!
  14. Okay, I will let him know that if someone is at your house to just call the police and go about his business and hope for the best.
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