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Posts posted by horsecrazy

  1. Okay I have been in Rodeo's all of my life, my father is a "COWBOY" he rode bronco, rode bulls, did bull dogging AND at NO POINT WERE THOSE animals treated like those in the video. The animals in professional rodeo's are treated sometimes better than the cowboys. They are very VALUABLE and it would not be in the interest of their owners to have them treated like this. If the ANIMALS wins meaning the cowboy does not make the buzzer the owner of the animal makes a LOT of money. It is in the owner's best interest to keep those animals in the best possible health as possible. REAL rodeo animals have access to the best vet's in the world, their farm life is better than the average domestic animal, they are fed only the best of grains of best hay that the world can provide them. Money is no object to the owner's of the livestock and thus the animals get the BEST.


    The video that is shown has been around for several years and in NO way describes the real sanctioned rodeo's. I have and will always support the rodeo life, in sanctioned rodeo's there are strict rules AGAINST any kind of abuse, that is why the bulls HAVE to where protection on their horns, the Bronco horse and the bull's no longer have the ropes tired around their balls but around their flanks. The bronco horses have their legs iced down after a ride and are throughly checked out by a vet after every ride. Sometimes the animals get better care than the cowboys.


    I wish people would do more research in to how things are really done and actually go to a rodeo and speak to the owners of the livestock and the cowboys and see how things really work, instead of relying on a videos that ruin it for all rodeo cowboys and livestock

    I Totally agree with every thing you say. Yes I go to rodeo's and will continue to do so. As you said today's sanctioned rodeo's are nothing like that video. If in douby about this Paulding is having theirs on August 8th and 9th, it is a good time for the whole family. And no I am not promoting it all I am saying is go see for yourself.


  2. I am thinkin about building a coop and gettin anout 3 hens for hobby/eggs. Does anyone have any advice on what to do and or what not to do?

    If you live in a neighborhood check the codes. You "legally" have to be so many feet inside your property. If you have good neighbors who want fresh eggs every so often you will probly be ok. Just keep your pen cleaned up on a regular basis because of you don't it will create a stink that no amount of free eggs to the neighbors will fix.


    As for feed, anything with corn is going up but I still think fresh eggs are worth it. I thought all the hoopla about fresh eggs was just talk but they really are a better egg.


    If you buy babies buy pullets, that means they are all females, they are a little higher but if you don't want the rooster to call in the morning, that is what you want. Like someone else mentioned you do not need a rooster to get eggs. Another way to check for females is put your hand around thier neck, lift them up, if they fight they are females, if their legs go slack they are males.


    If you get a rooster you will need to either candle your eggs, which is shining a light behind the egg , if you see a dark spot it is fertilized, or an easier way is to just crack in a bowl before you use it, if there is a small spot of blood you should toss it or give your dog a treat and mix it raw with his dog food.


    Chickens are great to have around, and a good chore for the kids to learn responsibility.


    If equipment cost is an issue, go to Tractor Supply and check out the prices for just the basics and then upgrade as you can.


    Hope some of this helps you decide.

  3. Before anyone tries to convert me...I DO NOT belong to a church, so volunteering there might not work for me.


    I've thought about the Animal Shelter and might have to look further into that.


    A part time job? Eh, it would have to stimulate my brain somehow and most part time jobs don't seem to do that.


    And I've always heard that if you are going to go for a guy on the side, make it a HOT guy so if you decide to never call him back, his feelings won't be hurt. That's too much drama all around for me, so I'm staying away from that ENTIRELY.

    Try going to the extension office up by the hospital. They have a master gardeners group and they also are in charge of the 4-H club which always needs adult chaperones for different events.

  4. Why the heck would someone walk away from an active gas pump? All sorts of terrible things could happen, aside from the theives.

    And how in the world can another car get close enough to the pump, where a car is already parked?


    Mind Boggling.

    If I remember correctly it is also a state law that you cannot leave an active pump. Not 100% sure so nobody bash me please.

  5. Am I the only one that renewed my license through the mail? They are good for ten years.

    My MIL renewed hers this way about 3 years ago. Only bad thing about it is she was declared legally blind about 5 years ago and yes they still sent her the license. She is a licensed driver until 2015!!!!!!

  6. dang. My pool sat wadded up in our barn all winter. No holes, no chlorine problems...... I hate to hear that you're having such a hard time. We love our pool and use it daily. I couldn't imagine not having one.

    Ours has been in the basement for over a year. We are on well and with all the water issues last year we were afraid to fill it, it is still in the box. Now we are thinking wow we really don't have a level spot in our yard to put it and any of the money we saved for landscaping has gone into the gas tank. Guess we will spend another summer hot and dry.

  7. I understand what you are saying. I don't think I want to revoke his rights without my daughter's consent. She did tell me tonight that she wants to go to court when (if) we go because she wants to tell the judge how she feels. I think I have to let her have her feelings and her space and see if it helps before I take any action. I am trying to do right by her, but also by me (selfishly) at the same time. I don't want her to resent me for any hasty actions.

    Sending the letter without a court to back you up could make him want more visits to regain a relationship with his child again. This experience could be miserable for your daughter when she clearly wants no contact. Don't put your child thru something you are obligated by the court to do. If your child is mature enough to write a letter of this calibur, she is mature enough to understand what could happen. Explain it to her. It may be best to just "let sleeping dogs lie" most courts will not severe visitation to a 10 year old not sure what the law is now I'm thinking 12 at least, for them to have a say as far as their visitation.

  8. I found that my daughter is best 'passified' during hot weather (as are all of her friends and now many of mine that may be around) when I simply get out my trusty blender......


    fill 3/4 with ice cubes.....

    about 1/2 way with water....

    than add just a little less than a 1/4 cup of Kool-aid and blend...



    icee, slurpee, slushee or whatever you want to call it... it's cold, wet and feels good to drink on a hot day...

    For a change of pace try orange julius My kids love it and so do I


    1/2 cup sugar

    1 teaspoon vanilla

    1 cup water

    1 cup milk

    6 oz frozen orange juice

    8 to 10 ice cubes



  9. a SNAKE!!!! My husband reached into the skimmer to clean it out and that snake just swam out into the pool! Whew! I'm glad I wasn't in the pool then! Yuck! Last night I was washing dishes and a scorpion fell from the ceiling into my dishwater! Ok, I've had about enought of these creepy things! Has anyone else had snakes in the pool or scorpions in their house?

    A couple weeks ago I am in the shower just happen to look down and there was a scorpion!!! I totally freaked, jumped out soap and all got my shoe killed it then went to the other shower, being careful to check all areas around it first. During all this my cat is looking at me like "Hey, freaking out and running to another room is my job!!!


    Later that day I saw another in the unfinished basement. These are the first ones I had seen in the 4 years we have been here and hopefully will be the last.

  10. Has anyone ever used fear and intimidation to get you to do things they want you to do?


    Identifying a Control Freak is easy. They have one elegantly simple goal: to control everyone and everything. They dissect every situation to the point of complete tedium, in order to secure every situation in which they participate. They engage the world in such a way that they are seen as intelligent but very impractical. They intend to manage your life, their lives, and anything and everything that you have the misfortune of sharing with them. They dominate all of their interactions.


    Control Freaks will tell you what you think and how you feel. They will use you and everyone around them to get what they want.


    If you or anyone else becomes a casualty, that's a minor inconvenience for a Control Freak, because they will just get someone else to conform to their wishes.


    Control Freaks have an insatiable appetite for human association, but they don't befriend anyone unless it is a form of manipulation in order to get what they want. A relationship with a Control Freak is entirely, painfully one-sided.


    Other people's responses to Control Freaks are characterized by rebellion, rejection, or resentful passivity.


    Control Freaks are usually loaners.

    OK so I see you have met my husband!!!!! The intelligent part throws me a little.


  11. I was heavy into scrapbooking for about 6-7 years, now, i cant find time and have no room to spread everything out and work on it. I love the way a traditional scrapbook looks, however, now its just easier to store my pics online and then when I get a bunch, i make a photo book and have it shipped to my house. Overall, i found it to be cheaper too. By the time you buy the album, pages, protectors, sticky tape, print photos, buy paper, embellishments, stickers, just is too $$$$. Thats why I'm about to get rid of it all.

    I'd be interested in anything but the tools (I think I have them all!!!) let me know if no other takers. I do about 6 scrapbooks a month for others, one of these days I'll get mine finished!!

  12. oh yeah...marc is happy in the mornings. sometimes i just wanna throw a shoe at him :aggressive:

    I am another night owl married to a early bird and when I say early I mean like 3:30 am early. only problem is that by 7-8 pm he is ready to hit the bed and I'm jut getting revved up. The worst part is that he always wants to snuggle so He wants me to go to bed then to, yippie I lay there wide awake for hours trying to sleep which of course is impossible not only because the windows rattle from his snoring but also cause my brain is in over drive thinking about all the things I didn't get done that day cause I slept till 10!!! I finally fall asleep an hour or so before his alarm clock goes off, then go back to sleep till 10.


    Then he wonders why I can't get anything done!!!!

  13. We ate at Applebee's when they first opened and had a horrible meal, not to mention horrible service and so did the people at the next table, we blamed it on being new people and had not had time to work the kinks out. I see things have not change. Jim and Nicks is our favorite and have never had bad service or bad food, but I do agree they should note that on the menu, we have always ordered that way because my husband is very picky and is sure to tell them EXACTLY what he wants, and if it should not be that watch out waitress cause your gonna get an earful.

  14. What about a lovebird or finches. Finches are so cute . My daughter calls them peepers because they hop around making the sound peep, peep, peep. You can get a seed catcher to put around the bottom of the cage to catch the mess.

    Go to Animart Pets in Austell off of bankhead. They are extremely knowledgeable of birds and can answer all of you questions. They will be able ro fit you with the right kind of bird.

    I second that referrel to ani-mart in austell. they are awesome.

  15. My parents adopted this dog today and we are having a hard time thinking of a name. Any suggestions are welcome!post-11469-1210708670_thumb.jpg

    We have one almost identical, we named him Bullet. of course we have a them going at our house we also have gunner and pistol.

  16. Has anyone seen the :p ICE CREAM MAN :p in their neighborhood yet?

    Is there such thing anymore?

    How can a subdivision get added to their route?


    Any ideas?

    I am off 61 not to far from nebo elementary, he comes by here quite often but a lot of times the neighbors will be outside with money in thier hands and he won't even stop.


    Always thought that would be a "cool" job. no pun intended

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