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About ssuzanlyn

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  • Place of Residence
    East Paulding
  1. There was 6 cop cars and there was at least 8 officers... told us to get in the house and lock the doors. We were never told anything else...that is why I didn't post anything after..... Lucky 64 when you have that many cops and cars it seemed big and told us to get in the house and lock our doors what would you have thought????
  2. Cops in our back yard looking for someone have one in custody one still in the run.. lock your doors
  3. Anyone know what happened in New Hope around 2:00 am. Heard gun shots nesar Autumn Creek sub. off Due West road?
  4. I'm sure when all the details are investigated by the police something will be said. Until then pray for the family for all involved.
  5. So sad !! prayers being said for the family I use to work with the wife...
  6. We live right behind the house and heard the gun shot last night anybody have any up dated information on the shooting Thanks
  7. anyone know what went on in autumn Creek subdivision last night gunshot went off
  8. I went to school with her husband. Will keep the family in my prayers and thoughts.
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