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Posts posted by courtl8302

  1. My dog was a rescue baby. The best they knew he was abused and abandoned. I've had him for 3 1/2 yrs. and he is still terrified of some people. Have your nephew get down on his level, like sitting in the floor, not crouching, the dog will think he's going to attack him. Have him sit in the floor, DO NOT make eye contact, make the dog feel as his he doesn't even know the dog is there. Give the dog a chance to slowly sniff him out and slowly have the nephew hold out his hand and let the dog smell him and slowly began to pet him. Warn him not to make any sudden movements, it will scare the dog. My dog does this with some and it seems to help. Hope it does! ^_^

  2. Awe I'm the only one that said Grits are yucky! :lol:


    The stuff looks like sand...blech! Where I come from cornbread is sweet and we don't eat sand, okra, collards or any other weird stuff. We don't "warsh" our clothes, we wash em....the differences are great! :lol:



    You haven't lived till you've had "turnip greens", fried okra, and no cornbread doesn't have to be sweet....Look around ...your in the SOUTH :lol:

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