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Posts posted by courtl8302

  1. Do you know a good instructor because he won't listen to me. I would love for him to do swimming as I was a competitive swimming and diver



    Swimming would be a great idea for someone with Asperbergers (sp?) I think on Nebo rd. or in that area is a place called Roundtree that teaches class and they also have teams.

  2. It is true. It morphs into Epstein-Barre syndrome from what I have read. I had it at 13 and was out of school for 3 months, very sick like you were. And I never completely recovered. I don't go to the doctor for it beacause my other illness takes precedence, but I can definately tell when it comes & goes.



    I can too! I think thats why I feel tired alot. It doesn't matter how much or little sleep I get, I am still tired. I feel like that has something to do with it.

  3. When I was in 6th grade (LOOOOOOOOONG time ago) I had mono and went to school for 2 hrs a day from Nov. to March. The next year, I had a terrible relapse and again went to school for 2 hrs. from Nov. to March. At the same time, I was diagnosed with Mitra Valve Prolapse and for that you are suppose to exercise and with mono, you are to rest, so they counter-acted each other. It was a very tough time. So for those who say you can only have it once, I am living proof you can have it twice. Last year, at Christmas I was diagnosed with it again, but only had a few weeks. So actually I have had it 3 times. I was told last year, that once you had it, you carry it and it can flare up. Not sure if that is true though. Not fun at all!

  4. There is little doubt as to where my kiddos are going. I live at Hendrix & Austin bridge. I loved Ritch and Ms. Dobbs is a great Principal. She has worked so hard with us and Dis jr. I am happy that she is going to Hutchins. I am VERY concerned about the local traffic. The school is on a dead end tertiary rd off a secondary rd. They will have to put up a red light somewhere. and the roads are small. But they are 200% better than when we moved in 6 years ago.


    I have been thinking also of the playground. Most of the schools are built without a playground. These are funded by donations and fund raising through the PTA. I would like to find a way of getting a head start on this. I have put a call in to Ms. Dobbs to discuss it. I believe it is very important for the kids to have a structured play are to blow off steam. Especially the boys. ;)


    That would be AWESOME- playground!


  5. I went to pay a bill in Downtown Dallas and I was on my way back home, 2 cop cars passed me doing at least 100mph.... Then I saw they were pulled into the Ingles along with about 6 other cop cars- Does anyone know what was going on? It was about 4:15-4:30 p.m.



    Sorry if this has already been posted~

  6. I want to go to NYC, and be able to afford to eat everything I want to eat.



    I just got back on January 3rd~ I got to experience New Year's Eve in Time's Square!!!!! It was amazing! I've been once before, but it was 11 years ago, so things had really changed! I will def. go back and DEF. spend New Year's there again!!!!!!!


    I would LOVE to go to Tuscany~

  7. I am wide awake and I have to work tomorrow :( I have a terrible sinus headache I've had since Thursday. I don't feel bad, just my head. I went to the Dr. yesterday and got 2 perscripts and 2 shots, but nothing has eased the headache and I've done everything I know to do.....including opening the gift I got for my dad (massager), unwrapping and using b/c I was in so much pain!!!

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