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Posts posted by hollylonergan

  1. hmmm, could it be Sprint/Nextel?


    I am monthly getting text message charges, and don't send or recieve them <_< . Everytime I call they tell me something different. The newest thing is that I have to get rid of my Voice Mail to get rid of them :huh:


    They have been saying that same junk for years. Let that be the reason I am With Verizon! When I told Nextel that I had never even opened a text (they were ALL spam) I was told that I could open them, discover who they were from, and dispute each one individually. I was getting over 100 a month! YAY VERIZON!

  2. Nope, he's still there. He was on military leave for a while and then got injured while on military leave. He's there. I just saw him a couple of weeks ago at work. He is going to retire soon.



    Well, Dang! Someone told me he was already gone! <_< :lol:


    So, jploof, how do you feel the test went? I hope it went well!

  3. If Maz is there and you will know him....He is the nice Hispanic man. I love him. Tell him Donna P said hello. We were cubical mates for years.


    Maz retired at the end of '07....don't know who replaced him, though.


    **sorry for the hi-jack**

  4. Hey Scarlet! Thanks so much for the stuff I got the other day! The Tea Tree Oil soap has really helped my face (adult acne STINKS!) But, Just wanted to say thanks, and since someone started a "Thank You Scarlet" thread, I thought this was the perfect opportunity. Oh Yeah, I also LOVE the lip balm! I am currently using the orange cream and it ROCKS! :wub: :wub:


    You are too sweet for words!


    Anyway, off to bed to get ready to go back to work tonight!


    Have a great day!

  5. In addition to the above, leave the top (or front) of the washer open when not in use to help it dry out. (I got this from the troubleshooting section of my washer's manual and it seems to help.)

  6. Back to the original request for info......The website gangsorus.com is very informative in this regard. While it is general in nature, and things do change depending on the region of the country you live in, it is a good starting point for those who have no knowledge of gangs.

  7. Presnell, Deyoung, Humphries........the ones I can remember having dealt with while employed by Cobb County...


    To see a list of death row inmates: go to www.dcor.state.ga.us and click on offender search. Go to sentence status and choose "under death sentence" . Click "next" through a couple of screens you will be able to see a list of all current death row inmates in Georgia.

  8. On www.oprah.com , at the bottom of the home page, under mind and body, they have a smoking addiction self assessment. From there, you can get info about quitting: a self exam, going smoke-free, a no relapse kit, and where to get support. She did a show about quitting a few weeks ago. There are also links to www.realage.com , which is more info on quitting. Good Luck! :D

  9. The whole news story should just give everyone food for thought. Whether or not you think Sheriff Harris is a great guy and whether or not you think he has done great things in the past........do the deputies in this county deserve a better leader? Someone to support and inspire them? The Sheriff is the highest law enforcement officer of this county. What kind of example is he setting NOW, TODAY? I know he has had problems, and that he fixed a lot of what was wrong before he came to office, but what of now? Today? It's not a personal attack on him, just an observation from someone who has worked for people who do not inspire, nor lead by example. Both of these things are necessary for a successful agency in today's law enforcement world.



  10. Actually, there was a story in the AJC about three weeks ago detailing the 'crackdown' on the undocumented in Cobb.


    Seems that a contingent of Cobb PD forces went through some training with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and folks without proper papers are being detained ... and the stops are so frequent, for that matter ... that some illegals are 'afraid' to go the store or anywhere for fear of being stopped, carded and carted away ...so much so it is hurting the businesses that cater to hispanics in Cobb.


    Part of what fuels this is this are things like the 2 year sentence of the illegal who, when DUI, hit and killed a popular Cobb deputy (this about a year ago at Bellemeade and Powder Springs).


    Here's the story: http://www.ajc.com/metro/content/metro/sto...nics1_0914.html




    Actually, it is the Cobb County Sheriff's Office that sent their deputies to training with ICE. They are not detaining anyone on the street. If someone comes into the jail, they are asked where they were born (all arrestees are and have been asked this since I have worked there - 13 years). Then, if they state they are not born in this country, they are interviewed by the ICE trained deputies to see if they are here legally or not.

    While Cobb County is the first agency in Georgia with this type of program, they are not the first in the country by far.

    Also keep in mind that these people are encountered in the jail. They have already been arrested for something unrelated on the street. The SO does not pick people up off the side of the road, and neither does Cobb PD for that matter, just to see if they are legal. They are usually encountered for a violation of the law.

    As well, the program was already in the planning phases by the Sheriff's Office when Deputy Lilly was killed.

  11. Normally I don't vent my problems to the world but I am just so sick right now that my better sense is not in gear.

    I made an appointment today to see a local doctor because I am 99.9% sure I have strep. Anyone who has had strep knows it ain't fun :angry: I arrived early for my appointment by about 10 mins as I was asked to fill out paper work. Ok- I fulfilled my end of the deal. 40 mins later I finally got called back. I waited another 40 mins when I got up and left. I had 3 children with me and felt sick as dog and all I wanted was someone to come in there and gag me with a swap and give me some meds!!


    Before I left I let them know I had been there over an hour without being seen. Didn't get much of a reaction. I hope you folks never have to go through that.


    I thought my son had strep last week too....white spots on tonsils, red tonsils, 101.4 fever, lethargic ......they did a quick strep and a culture, both came back negative. They said it was a viral infection...maybe it's going around?

  12. I would suggest things that are "normal" for us to do here....... Like going to the mall, the movies, bowling, roller skating, silver comet trail (maybe a little cold for that!). These things are different in other countries, so maybe seeing what other teens (I assume it is a teen) do here for fun may be fun for her.

    Also, I know it is cold today, but there is a soccer jamboree today at PCHS at noon. HHS, SPHS, PCHS, and EPHS varsity boys will be playing 30 minute games with each other.

    Just curious, is this a French exchange student? My son said there was one in his french class the other day. He was really curious about her. Maybe just a good chance to interact with other teens would be good.

    Either way, good luck and have fun!



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