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Posts posted by izabellazmom

  1. As I sit with tears rolling down my face, my heart is breaking for this family and all that have been touched by this story. I pray that god will give the bass family strength to endure this and the coming days and that he will give them a peace that passes all understanding. As I told my3crazyboys this morning it is important that we focus on god during this tragdy as he is in control. We must praise him for the joy he allowed Ashton to bring and the time we had togeher. It's is so easy to sit and question why but really we need to be asking what. What can do for the bass family and what is it that god is teaching us.

    Denis and phillip please know that you are loved and that if you need anything this awesome group is here for you.

    Ashton may you rest in peace and love and enjoy every minute of being with your loved ones. We will see you again one day.


    With much love,

    Ashely Izabella and Ava Kate


    God bless!!!

  2. HR isn't allowed to watch Spongebob. :blush: First, we're rarely at home for her to even watch tv...when we are, I'd rather her watch something that's more than just brain candy. Her brain candy is Disney movies...her shows are educational. All around I'm anti-tv...I'd rather her play, paint, create and use her imagination than watch tv, and we pretty much stick with that. As I speak the tv is on (Enchanted is in the dvd player), but she's in her room playing with all of my old Littlest Pet Shop animals). 2nd, HR is a parrot. Spongebob and the characters on the show say and do some really off the wall things. I got sick of having to explain whatever crazy thing she said or did at daycare (or grandma's, or a friends house). She told a friend once that "Stupidity isn't a virus... but it's spreadin' like one!" and she ran around asking everybody if they wanted to see her underwear for weeks. When she's old enough to actually understand what they're talking about, she can watch it. I think it's geared more towards 2nd grade and up.


    I agree!!!!



    I am not a SB fan, and my kids don't watch it much. I will have to say though, my Kindergartner has learned many more things at school than he ever did watching SB. Kids are going to see and pick up stuff where ever they go, but it is up to the parents to teach them right from wrong.




    well said!!!



    I am anti SB and have been since my child was old enough to watch TV. I know CE you think i am crazy but i truly believe that what they watch on TV makes them act different. We really only watch TV in the AM and Disney movies in the afternoons. I am not crazy about TV at all I would much rather my children be playing outside or doing something productive. My daughter knows that if she is watching Dora or Diego and SB comes on she either has to turn the TV off or come and get me to change it. I already hate the fact that my 1 yr old is exposed to WAY more then my 4 yr old ever was at her age. We watch lots of signing time videos too trying to get little one to start signing but she shows no interest. We have been watching them for about 3 or 4 months. One day!!!! That is what i have to keep telling myself. She is just different and she will do things in her own time.


  3. Denise~

    I am still praying for you and Papa! God has blessed you in many ways and is carrying you every step of the way. Stay strong and focused on our Lord and he will take care of it all. I love to read the updates about Ashton. God Bless!



  4. Oh i am totally addicted!!!!! i just started late last week and cant wait to get on to check my crops. I am bellakate there also. i also started yoville last night and i am enjoying it so far. It is a little harder to catch on to. I am level 11 on farm town. i would love to be your neighbor. I am Liberty's neighbor. How do you find others.....?
  5. my aunt has a pig and her name is petunia. she is huge. she is just like one of the dogs. My aunt says they have the mind of a 3 yr. old. She freaks me out and my cousin hates her. here is a picpig.jpg

  6. I agree with the others that it is sounds like strep. My older daughter is the "strep queen". She will run real high fever and it will cause rash. For his age she can give him 1/2 t. Motrin and alternate with Tylenol. It should help. Just make sure he is drinking plenty. Also the hitting the head thing.....when my daughters fever gets high like his her head hurts. I wonder if that is what is happening to him. Best of Luck. Tell her is she thinks it is bad enough to go to the ER she is the mom and moms know best. If she feels she can wait then she is prob. right. I will be praying for you all. Good night!

  7. i think you should do it CE. and you need to add the cake part. That is easy. then you dont have to buy a cake. If you wanted I bet you could go to publix and buy their non decorated cupcakes and stick them in there.


    I found several polka dot plates both at Party America and Target. Call me tom. and i'll tell you about them.

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