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About katherinesudis

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member
  • Birthday 08/13/1975

Previous Fields

  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City

About Me

I always wanted to be a doctor when I grew up. My family and friends thought that was a great idea. As it turns out, they were right. but I'm not a doctor. lol!


My favorite way to relax is a long hot bath.


What's the wildest thing you ever did in school? Gosh I think I lost count...


If I'm going to work somewhere, I need to have my cell , some money, and a xanex to be able to deal with the day-to-day.


I am my own hero... ask me and I will tell you


The one person from my past who I'd most like to see again is larry hubbard, because he was my childhood sweetheart.


1 large dog, 2 cats


Life doesn't always turn out the way you expect. What's been your biggest surprise?

Married with children. I thought I would be the old lady with 100 cats!!


One thing I have to do but think I can't? Take care of my disabled husband.. He has end stage kiney failure and diabetes and he is paralyzed from the waist down.


If I could improve my home, I'd remodel the bathroom and add on a elevator. My dream home would be in the carribean.


Parent? Share what you've learned from your kids.

To laugh and roll with the punches


If I won $100 million, I'd give one third of it to our kids, then spend the rest on Jaumal, me and our home.


To be truly happy, you would be where, doing what, with whom?

I would be on a beach with my husband making love


My current age is 33. When I was 12, I thought that people my age now would be stable. I was so completely WRONG!!


What happened to your first crush?

Larry dropped out of high school and got on drugs


My best friend would tell you I'm funny, but people who don't know me very well would probably describe me as sarcastic.


What's the weirdest job you ever had?

sex store employee


jeans and tee shirt kinda girl


I share my home with my kids, which I find crazy.


You get one do-over. What do you do differently -- go straight to college -- med school. OBGYN


Talk about your oldest friend¿how you met and why you clicked. leticia deluna -- in same situation, went through same crap


In 10 years, I hope to be skinny. I'm going to get there by getting to a doctor.


What about you would surprise everyone at your high school reunion I'm not a size 4 anymore

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