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Posts posted by ktan458

  1. I would be PO'd after two hours. Especially if I was low on gas or cold or hungry. Don't even talk to me if I am stuck in traffic and hungry.


    They should notify people waiting if the road is shut down so people can take an alternate route. I don't think that's asking too much.


    Depending on where you are on Dabbs Bridge or Harmony Grove/Cedarcrest, you may not have that option to turn around because there is just no room and the ice could have slid you right off the other side of the road. In a normal situation, clear roads, absolutely you're right. But, with what they dealt with tonight--not so much.


    This is one of those fluke situations that no one is really ever prepared for (esp. since the weather people did such a piss-poor job of calling it). I think they did the best they could under the circumstances, even though there were plenty of mistakes made I'm sure.

    • Like 2
  2. I am not one to bash our emergency services. My father was a fireman, I totally appreciate their devotion.


    But how can there be a 3 car accident on an icy bridge for 3 hours and not even a tow truck comes?


    About 5:45 tonight my husband came up Dabbs Bridge Road from 41 towards 61. He got to the big red barn before the bridge over Pumpkinvine Creek. He was stopped. And thought it would clear eventually. He had already passed at least 2 wrecks on DB. About 8, I called 911 to make sure it had been reported. Because nothing was happening. I was told by the operator that they were aware of the accident and didn't know when they would get to it. Maybe tomorrow. Our emergency vehicles can't drive in this.


    Are you kidding me? Why can't our emergency vehicles drive in an emergency? What if there had been some fatalities?


    So finally, someone walked back from the bridge and said that the one police officer said that even if they moved the cars, they wouldn't be letting anyone cross the bridge until the salt truck came by.


    So finally, my husband turned around and went around Cedarcrest to Harmony Grove to DB.

    I don't know when/if the salt truck ever got there, but the whole ordeal was totally ridiculous.


    There was probably a mile of back up. Couldn't the police officer went down the line and told everyone what was going on. Especially after 2 hours. Stupid.


    Maybe our county services needs to have some tactical training in how to handle emergencies on ice.

    And what about the BOE not letting people know if the schools are going to be closed? If our emergency personel can't drive on this, do they really think our busses can with our children on them? I THINK NOT!!!


    Have a nice evening everyone. Stay safe, slow down, and be careful.

    And thank you public service workers for all that you do for everything that you guys do to keep our county safe.


    So much to comment on, but it's not even worth it.


    On a side note, when you get on a public forum and show your ass, you may want to be sure you're not doing it under your 'business ID'. I'm just saying.

    • Like 2
  3. I would focus more on the schools that are close, since those families are most likely to frequent your shop. NPHS is a million miles away. That's some serious craving.


    It's a tough economy. I need free cupcakes :p


    You just say that because you're not on this side of the county with NO Amaretto cupcakes and cheesecake brownies :lol:


    Trust me; I am having some serious cravings!

  4. Do you know the time? I have looked on the websites and can't find anything. I know in the past it has been like elementary starts at 4-6 then middle and high is something like 6-8???


    Usually Elementary is 2-6 and middle/high is 4-8. I'm hoping they'll pare it way down this year, but we haven't been told.

  5. Excuse me, I am not following your thoughts here. I thought the question Jughaid asked was about the possible cheating on tests in GA. What does that have to do with Merit Pay. If you want to discuss that though, I do believe the Governor has made that proposal. It is part of the effort he is making to get more funding from the Feds for Georgia schools. The Teacher's Union is opposed to it.


    There is no teacher's union in Georgia. There are professional organizations, but calling them a union is a misnomer, as they have no political power, outside of lobbying for the group of teachers.

  6. OH MY GOSH!!!


    Let's not even begin to discuss Merit Pay...will 20% of GA teachers get the wrong pay????? Good grief...what's happening to our schools?


    Administrators at both the state and local level have forgotten about educating the whole child, and are instead bowing down to the cheap, easy way that politicians, who can't even balance a budget, came up with to measure success?


    Oh, wait--that was a rhetorical question. :)

  7. Let me say one last thing as well. When the counselors and administration tell a student there is absolutely no sense in staying in school, grades are horrible, attendance is horrible-you'll never make it, so why don't you just drop out, I guess there has to be someone to blame other than the school system. At that point it becomes the sole responsibility of the parent??


    I work with the kids and have for over 20 years, it's a shame they feel they won't "amount to anything". Ever have everyone give up on you???


    I realize that you don't know me, but you couldn't be more off-base when you talk about kids that others may have given up on.


    Suffice it to say, I have gone to the ends of the world to find ways to connect with some of my kids and help them see the value of education (not just in the school but outside as well). Like many other teachers, I went on to graduate school and my M.Ed thesis was specifically targeting one group of children with special needs. I didn't get in to education for the perks--I got into it because I DID feel like I was given up on in school and I want better for the students coming up behind me, which is also why I came back to Paulding County.


    Counselors and teachers that tell students they'll never make it should find themselves sitting on the curb with no job, no pension, and no hope of gracing the inside of a school again.

  8. Nope, haven't checked the foreclosure info for Paulding lately, how does it compare to the drop out rate?? Inquiring minds would like to know. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


    I lied--I do have one more thing to say.


    If either of my children ever decided to 'drop-out', they'd be driven to school every single day, escorted into the building, and I'd get a renewed 10-12th grade education.


    Drop-out rates absolutely should NOT be contributed solely to schools. Parents have to sign the form, and therefore bear the brunt as well.


    However, I completely disagree with the idea that all HS students should be on the college-track. There should be plenty of alternates to help all children be successful outside of public school, even the ones that aren't choosing college as part of their career track.

  9. I find it comical that every teacher and every school district should strive to be #1. When they are not, there is always an excuse. I will tell you that my children scored very well on the SATs, in fact my youngest had the highest english/language score in his graduating class but he was absolutely not prepared for college. ;)


    So then why do you believe that SAT scores should be used to rank states?


    Why did you look to test scores in general to prove your 'point' that Paulding County schools must suck like the suckiest bunch of sucks who ever sucked?


    I'm getting punchy and never should have opened this thread back up.


    Have a good night Naturegirl--and remember, just because we rode around in the back of the family truckster standing tall with no seatbelt (and lived to tell about it), you shouldn't try that now :)

  10. SAT scores have nothing to do with where Paulding County elementary schools rank compared to the rest of the state.


    First, let me say this--Paulding County schools are not perfect, and there is plenty to be done to make them better. However, just throwing out a list of schools and not bothering to look at any kind of disaggregation of the data is the exact same thing that the media and politicians do. Do you know why? Because they know that the public is just lazy enough to take it at face value, and never question it.


    I'm sorry, but I find it comical how some people just trot out any bit of information to say that public schools aren't doing their jobs, as if teachers don't know that there are some serious problems out there. I've never said that Paulding is perfect and has all the answers. But, I'm damn proud of the progress that has been made in this county since I was a student here 15 years ago.


    Are we #1? Absolutely not. But, as a district we are making great strides in getting these kids prepared for the outside world.

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