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Posts posted by motherof4

  1. You know the clip said that some people are saying is a way to racial profile against the black man, but the first picture is of 3 white guys.


    I think it probably will pass, it just passed in Dallas, TX this week.




    I also think it is more of an underwear showing issue than a baggy pants issue. I have a feeling if girls were to wear skin tight low rider jeans with a whale tail (thong sticking out) that would probably be outlawed as well.


    To those of you who are complaining that Big Brother is trying to tell us how to dress, consider this:

    There is already a law against running around naked. What's the difference?


    Just my opinion. No big deal.


    Have a lovely evening.

  2. I think they also do emergencies. One summer, my son found a baby bird in the yard crying. We picked it up and put it in a towel in a box. Then I called around to quite a few vets to find out what to do. This office said they would take it and try to nurse it back to health and release it. Honestly, I don't know whatever happened to the baby bird, but at least my children felt good about helping it.


    Anyway, they were very nice at this office.

  3. I would love to get my 2 girls in a troop, but so far the closest one is meeting on Dallas Hwy, near Mars Hill Rd. I live in the north end of Paulding and would like to get them in a troop up this way. They are in 1st and 3rd grade, so I think they would be brownies together, right?

  4. Don't particularly care for the Briar Patch. One of the managers is a real jerk. And the last time I went there, during the lunch hour. There were NO clean forks, one pickle on the salad bar, and I had to wait about 15 minutes for the fork. Finally said manager brought the pickles to the bar, but didn't offer to get me any, like most hospitable restraurants would have done.


    Oh well, I will just start going to Rodney's.

  5. You are also going to need an attendance record from you childs school. Usually it takes the school a couple of days to take a piece of paper and sign it. ( at least it did at PC High). you can probably go to the school and have them do it while you wait if you are insistent on that.


    Good luck!!!

  6. I will admit, there is no good excuse for Driving after Drinking. You won't get any argument from me there. But, no one has said anything about what defense he is using. EVERY person in this country deserves the same courtesy of "innocent until proven guilty."


    When I first read this story from the other thread, before we knew who the person was, I still felt compassion for ALL involved. Shop owner, driver, and anyone that may have been in the area. But when I found out who the person was, I was totally grieved. But there is no one that hasn't done something that they regret. Cut this guy some slack. Even it is only a little slack. Geez!


    He would do the same for any one of you. And probably is. Considering the verbal abuse he is under currently from all of you PERFECT people.

  7. Okay, maybe my use of the word mistake should be edited to accident.

    And all these "what-ifs" only prove peoples lack of faith in a God that has everything under His control. If God has chosen for this to be a "few feet to the left" then it would have happened.


    And one last thing, I am shocked that we have so many complaints in this county and community with so many PERFECT people in it.

  8. You know I read alot of posts and don't usually give my 2 cents on the matter, because frankly the people on this forum bash everybody for anything. Nobody is happy with the school system no matter what they do. Nobody is happy with the police force no matter what they do. And someone in our community made a mistake and so many of you are ready to boycott him. And some people think his wife should leave him and take everything he has, where did that come from?


    What happened to the "community" we have here. I did a search on Rodney's name and so many of you were praising him and his restaurant a few months back. This is a family that will give you the shirts off their backs, and for many people they have.


    Rodney does community work, helps needy people rebuild their homes and things such as this.


    I tell you what, some wise man once said "He who is without sin among you, let him be the first to throw at a stone at her." I'm sure we could change "her" to "him" in this instance. How many of you have sped, have answered your phone in the car and crossed the yellow line just for an instant? How many of you have gotten to your car after a tiring trip to the grocery store, only to find that pack of gum in the bottom of your cart? Do you think these things are so much more horrible than what Rodney did? What difference does it make if they are worse or not. A sin is a sin is a sin. He will have to suffer the consequences for his own actions and so will every one on this forum that has been gossipping and trashing Rodney's reputation.


    I can tell you something else, if any one of you is ever in need. If Rodney Dobson knows you and knows of your need, he will be the first in line to help you.


    Sorry this is such a long post, but I have been reading all this crap from everybody for the past day and half and I just couldn't stand to not say anything.


    Pubby, thanks for you unbiased journalism and thank you for trying to set the record straight a few posts ago.


    May God bless you all. And think before you start throwing stones again.

  9. I love hearing inventive punishments.


    My sister, which just married into 2 daughters, puniched them last weekend for something they did. She made them sit in the living room with their backs to the tv, while she and their dad watched a new animated movie they had just bought.


    I thought that was GREAT. Hilarious!! Way to go mom.



    I love hearing inventive punishments.


    My sister, which just married into 2 daughters, puniched them last weekend for something they did. She made them sit in the living room with their backs to the tv, while she and their dad watched a new animated movie they had just bought.


    I thought that was GREAT. Hilarious!! Way to go mom.

  10. I just wanted to post and let everyone know that my daughter is doing ok after surgery. She says she is in more pain now than she was last week when she came home.


    This is definately one of the most difficult things my family has ever gone through, but we are still seeking God's purpose in this accident.


    Thank you for all your prayers and concerns.

  11. I want to start by saying that I'm glad people post so much stuff here on pcom. I also want to say that we (our community as a whole) needs to be very careful about the things we say. We need to get our facts straight before we start spreading news.


    Next I want to say that I am the mother of the girl in the pink and green car that does not have Jolly Rancher or anything written on the side of it.


    Here is what happened as I know it: My daughter was on her way to school. Just before she got to the rr tracks, a truck came over the tracks and hit her head on. Her car is a '85 Reliant, the truck is a F250. She was life flighted to Grady. (NEVER LET THEM TAKE YOU TO GRADY)


    She did not die, is alive and well (sort of). She has bashed up knees, stitches in both knees. She has a seat belt rash on her shoulder and hip - that by the way she is wearing like a badge. She's telling everyone that that is the best pain she could have. And she has a small bump on her. The worst of everything is that she has 2 broken bones in her hand. It will require sugery next week. She has to have 2 screws put in her hand. Surgery will probably be on Wednesday.


    The person that hit her was very shook up, but he is okay.


    I want to say a few things that I think God wants us to get out of this accident. 1. God is always in control. He has a plan for our families meeting and meeting this way. Only God know. 2. We always need to praise HIM in everything we do. "Consider it all joy." And that's what we've been trying to do.



    Thank you all for all your prayers. I will try to post and let you know how she's doing after surgery. I would have posted earlier, but I just registerd and I haven't been home for a few days.



    So I hope that clears it all up for everyone. I'm also sorry for the family that had the death right down the street.I pray that God will give them all a peace that passes all understanding. That's what HE did for me on Tuesday morning when I watched my oldest child fly away in a helicopter without me because they don't have room for a parent. So always know that God can take care of any and every thing thatcomes our way.


    Thank you all.

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