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Everything posted by Adyrah

  1. IMPORTANT REGARDING SIERRA - THIS IS LAUREN Hi, I tried to call the number you called me on earlier, but no one answered. Bear just went to the hospital, so I'm going up there to be with him. I feel bad, but you've got Jamel and Casey and Chase, so at least I'm not leaving you alone. I'm sorry, but I have to go up there with him. Lauren
  2. Since tomorrow is Easter and we'll all be busy with our families, Pcom4Teens is airing tonight! The time will be posted later, but make sure you tune in! Thank you!
  3. Just kidding, probably gonna be later, we're having some editing issues.
  4. Hi everyone, this is Lauren for Pcom4Teens, and I just wanted to personally invite everyone on Pcom to watch! This week and next week we are going to be talking about the Humane Society. We'll have LOTS of cute animals pictures and who doesn't love those? Check it out at 8:30! :]
  5. Thanks for the really good feedback! I'm certainly excited about it. Hi! I was thinking about the "action" shots thing... sounds interesting. :] Thank you!
  6. Thanks so much. I've just heard it was pretty and fun kind of put into one so I thought it would be a cute idea. But, you say White Oaks Park would be nicer? I've never been there either. Well, regardless, thanks for the help. :]
  7. Cute. :] I have to give you a thumbs up for that one. It took me a minute to get it. :]
  8. Hey! I think I'll watch it. :] Oh, that reminds me, I've invited my friend Ben to maybe do video games with Sierra...? If he can come.
  9. Hi! My boyfriend and I are going to have our Senior pictures taken this week and I have heard a lot of good things about this "Playground of Dreams" place in Dallas. However, I can't find any websites about it and haven't had time to visit it yet, and we're taking pictures on Tuesday! Does anyone have any info or pictures they would be willing to share to help me out? It would be greatly appreciated. Happy Valentine's Day!
  10. It's gonna be awesome! Come check us out! Thanks a lot!:]
  11. Oh. And did I mention? We're interviewing Bear of Tortus tonight! Tune in to listen to his awesome band!!
  12. Right now we're filming Chris the Crazy Sports Guy. :] He's really wacky.
  13. Show starts at 8PM! It's bound to be fantastic! Thanks for all your support! :] -Lauren for Pcom4Teens
  14. I'm a Hiram High student... and I assume that's the plan. I wish the weather could have picked a little better time to freeze us over!
  15. thank you for those that are watching
  16. Hey everyone! This is Lauren from Pcom4Teens with Sierra (the host). We just wanted to let you fine people know that our show starts at 8:00 and we need your support!! Thanks so much! :] See you then!
  17. Yeah, I did Mr. Pat, I was there! It was really neat. I like how Coach Dorsey's son gave him the hand trophy. :]
  18. Yes. Good way for us. :] (I go to Hiram - I wouldn't be happy if it was the other way around.)
  19. The announcers on gaprep.com sound nervous. Good job, Mario Rolland, on the catch!
  20. This is really helpful. Thank you so much! GO HORNETS!!
  21. This is really upsetting. Nick was in my kindergarten class at Panter Elementary. He's gone to my school his (and my) whole life. Though we never were really friends... well, he's still important to me. My church is praying for his family - we've got them on a prayer chain as of now. I'm sorry this had to happen. Kids at Hiram High are wearing black tomorrow in rememberence - if you have a kid that attends there, or you yourself attend, spread the word. Let's not forget how precious life is.
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