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Everything posted by Simon-sez

  1. Glenn was a good man, and he will be missed. May he rest in peace. His family is in my thoughts and prayers.
  2. Oh my...the third from the last picture has melted my heart. She is so angelic!! You are very blessed.
  3. Tanya was a very special person and will be greatly missed. Mikey and Cody, you're in my thoughts and prayers.
  4. If you go to Brown's Pools, they will give you a handy dandy cheat sheet that will outline the steps. They also have instructions on closing the pool, changing the sand, etc. They are really a great resource. I recommend taking them a water sample before putting any chemicals in the pool. Browns will test your water and tell you exactly what it needs. Good luck!
  5. Yep, I agree...AWESOME!!!
  6. It's called Toe2Toe Fitness.
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