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Status Updates posted by nick78vsu

  1. So yea lets ban assault rifles, so all of us law abiding folk cant have guns, but criminals can. Yea that makes a lot od since.


  3. TitleTown gets another!!!!

  4. 14-0 Blazers 10min 1stqtr these boys aint ready for this

  5. Man! Some nights working in the ER; reality slaps you dead in the face. Hold the ones you love close, and cherish all relationships because tomorrow is never a given.

  6. Wow, the last 6 months so much had changed in my life. Lost my Granny and my papa Dan, started a new job that I love with awesome coworkers. And have meet the most amazing woman Samantha Leonard. I am truly blessed and thankful for everything, and have the best most supportive family ever, love you all!

  7. Looks like we got some yet again biased commentators for the Falcons game

  8. VSU headed to the ship again....

  9. Anyone have home alone on dvd.. im staying in bed yet another night and need a good laugh

  10. This whole strep throat thing blows, just saying!

  11. Omg I feel like hammered dog poo

  12. Anyone know how to jailbreak/unlock a iphone4 with iOS 6?

  13. Awesome game, damn I love football!

  14. Gotta get that D some rest boys..

  15. Miss a 22 yard field goal.. are you kidding me lol..

  16. Thanksgiving with the family

  17. Worked 11p-730a, got the ham for thursday, helped pops move furniture, and have a good little workout. Now time for a little black ops 2 then bed.

  18. Dang 5 turnovers and still get the W! The Cards D came to play, lucky for the Falcons their offense is offensive lol. .

  19. SOA: holy crap Otto!

  20. Just wanted to let all my friends know that my Grandfather Dan Barfield lost his long hard fight with cancer last night. Please keep my family and my grandmother Helen Barfield in your prayers through this trying time. Dan you were love and will be missed by so many. Love you and rest in peace.

  21. Lol people relax, the Falcons were not gonna go undefeated. Had their chances didnt make the plays to win, oh well 8-1 got the cards next week. At least they lost to a team that was 3-1 over their last 4 games. that defense has got to figure something out quick, and they gotta be able to run the ball less than 60 yards on the ground terrible.. Time to start scouting another running back..

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