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Posts posted by bizzybee414

  1. That is so scary! I was in Kohl's yesterday and a man kept following me in the store. He was very suspicious. He was in the bedding section, then the candles and followed me each time I went to a different section. I went back to the front to check out and told the cashier. The lady in line behind me said he followed her too. It was very creepy. Please keep an eye out for people, they are getting bolder.




    That is so scary...a friend of mine had the same experience in a grocery store...a man followed her around and stared at her. All he had was some hotdogs and my friend was major grocery shopping. About half way though when she was really getting upset her husband walked in....he had seen her car out front and stopped in to see if she needed help loading her groceries. When the man saw her husband he put the hotdogs down and left.



  2. Half the battle is getting it all out to get started. Why don't you do that part now and tape off around the trim so you only have to pick up the roller tomorrow?



    This is the longest story ever....I had it red...HATED IT! I painted it with the cover paint so that it wouldn't bleed.....So it is taped and has been for about 6 months...LOL! The problem is that I cannot find a color that I LOVE!!!!! I have bought tons of the little quarts and hate the color almost the minute I put it on my walls. SO I found a color that I like and I am going to try and make my self like it but I don't love it. I think that is why I am procrastinating, however, I am tired of the crazy taped up kitchen.

  3. My friends and I are all reading the Janet Evonovich Series. The first one is "One for the money". I think that the series goes all the way to 17. They are so funny, I don't know if you have ever heard of them, it is based on a girlt that gets laid off and gets a job working for her uncle as a bount hunter. I have a hard time putting the books down at night.

  4. My friends and I are going out saturday night and the funniest thing is that we all have stipulations so we don't know where to go. One wants to dance, one wants beer, one want liquer, one wants to sing, one wants music....and so on. I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on the best place to go to accomodate everybody. Thanks!

  5. My SS # ends in 38. So, first, check the schedule at www.irs.gov for when to expect your payment based on the last two digits of your SS#. Then, at irs.gov, there is a link "Where's my stimulus payment?" at:




    Enter the information requested. You have to enter the number of deductions you claimed for 2007 and the number must match. If you enter an incorrect value, you get the message that "Information is unavailable".


    I checked yesterday and the information was what I expected and, when I checked this am, $1200.00 was deposited to our checking account which I just transferred to our credit card.



    Our should have been deposited today, however, I went on the "where is my stimulas check" thingy yesterday and it say "We are sorry. Specific information about your Stimulus payment is not available." Reasons fort his are 1. Your payment may still be coming, but has not yet been scheduled 2. * You did not file a tax return for 2007 or your return is still being processed or

    3.The information entered did not match our records. Well I did my taxes back in the end of Feb... and I checked 2 times my exemptions to be sure that I did it right, I have no idea, This is my luck though, I should have known!

  6. I started my life change on the 1st of January and lost a lot of weight right off the bt. I hit a plateau about 6 weeks ago and could not drop not even an ounce! SOOOO FRUSTRATING!!! So I did some research and they say that if you hit a plateau that you need to add to your workout or extend your workout. I was doing denise austin and I changed to Jillian Michaels and last week I lost 4 lbs and as of right now I have lost 30 lbs! I still have about 25 lbs more to go, but I am definatly excited again. They also say that you should eat breakfast after you workout in the morning. About curbing you appetite, do you have a certain time of the day that you are a little more hungry then others? I always wanted to eat a lot at around 3, so now I have a cup of coffee and it helps me becuase I use sugar free creamer and it helps me feel full and that I had a sweet treat! Good luck to you! You can do it!

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