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Status Updates posted by kast0918

  1. Good Monday Morning!!! I'll give you a call on my way home later!!

  2. Good Morning!!! It is finally Friday!!! WHOOOOOOHOOOOO

  3. Hey when are we going to go play BINGO!!!!

  4. It was great talking to you too. I will call you later this week.

  5. Me too...Is there an early, early bird game??? LOL

  6. My husband wants to know what is up with that cat!!!

  7. Nooooo...You da BOMB!!!

  8. Rise and Shine!!! I am up to 71...whooohooo

  9. Tell that MIL of yours to kiss my A**!!!!!

  10. Thank you, I am very exited, we both are. Had a blast at lunch today with you three!! Lets do it again soon!

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