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Everything posted by MCroshaw

  1. I'm thankful the FFs were able to contain it so fast. I've seen one other home go up fast and furious due to a propane fire. It was awful. I agree with my neighbor, I am glad no one was hurt.
  2. No one was home at the time of the fire. The elder couple had moved out and left their son to live in the house. He had brought home a hunting trailer to clean up for the season. The propane tanks became overheated in the 99 degree temperatures today and blew up. Winds blew the fire into the house and all was gone within 4 minutes. 70% of the home is uninhabitable. The garage and most of the top floor are being torn apart to extinguish all smoldering embers. There is a report of a FF becoming overheated and treated by paramedics. News crews are enroute but discouraged from coming becau
  3. I live in the subdivision and there are 5 trucks here. The fire appears to be out and they are letting residences pass. The damage is extensive. There are no ambulances though Fire Rescue is here. Will keep you updated.
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