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Posts posted by kerstinamber

  1. At the time of his arrest, they were unclear about who was driving. From what I understood, he was driving when it happened, then they got out and snapped pictures, then she jumped in to back the car off the poor man. BOTH were drunk. Then she fled the scene and he was immediately taken into custody.

  2. Maybe they can take their cell phones to court with them to "plead their innocent!" Thats evidence right on the phones! Maybe Wendys has outside cameras that can show what way she went...may live nearby.:unsure:



    She ran because she was drunk. My friend was right behind them (you maybe can see her car stopped in the lane in your footage) The motorcycle drivers were from New York and so were their friends who were in the red truck behind the drunk drivers in most footage. They were not local people. The males injuries were called 'critical' and the females 'serious' according to emergency crews. Yes, I was standing there. Yes, I spoke to the friends they were traveling with. Yes, the male in the drunk drivers vehicle was taken into custody. As of 7pm when they pulled the motorcycle off the roadway, the woman had not been found.

  3. Thank you for mentioning him!! My neighbor's son graduated with horticulture honors and is trying to build up some references and get his life started. He is an extremely hard worker!! I have seen adults work with less vigor! He can do a variety of things. Please let me know if you need any help!

  4. A slight schedule adjustment means that I am in search of a babysitter for Saturday evening, preferably in the Old Cartersville - Seven Hills - New Hope area. Even better with her own transportation, even if that means a premium fee.


    Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.




    Not using N anymore? I have several responsible driving teens on my FB that are homeschoolers and babysit-if you want to see me over there on FB.

  5. The news reminded that for those who think they've done their duty by sending a text message to get money to the red cross that it will take MONTHS for any of that to actually reach Haitians IF it ever does. The money is held by the phone company for a period of time before it's released to the red cross and they may or may not actually use it in Haiti! Just because it's the Red Cross doesn't mean it's the BEST option out there for reaching the Haitians quickly. SOmewhere is a thread listing all kinda other options for giving to other organizations that will get immediately to the relief effort. THey recommend doing your homework.



    I forgot to add-this was channel 5 on an antenna receiver-which I believe is Fox 5. (it's the one with Ken Cook for a meteorologist)

  6. The news reminded that for those who think they've done their duty by sending a text message to get money to the red cross that it will take MONTHS for any of that to actually reach Haitians IF it ever does. The money is held by the phone company for a period of time before it's released to the red cross and they may or may not actually use it in Haiti! Just because it's the Red Cross doesn't mean it's the BEST option out there for reaching the Haitians quickly. SOmewhere is a thread listing all kinda other options for giving to other organizations that will get immediately to the relief effort. THey recommend doing your homework.

  7. I was asked by a friend to post that Bethany Christian Church received new loads of food, clothes, and water for flood victims today. The hours and days for pick up are Monday-Friday 10-5. You do not have to call ahead, just come during the hours listed. Here is the address and phone number if needed.


    Bethany Christian Church


    3264 Villa Rica Hwy.

    Dallas, GA



    Oops! I didn't see this before I posted! Yup=-offloaded a truck of 6000lbs of food today for flood victims!

  8. 20 year old female has lost everything due to the flooding of her home. All she has left is her car. She is in need of clothes, shoes and toiletries.


    Her sizes are: extra large shirts, 13-14 pants/jeans and 8 1/2- 9 in shoes. If you have any items you could donate it would greatly be appreciated. She works in Dallas and the items could be dropped off to her at her work. Thanks!


    West Ridge will provide all of that to her free. Please encourage her to visit the Flood Relief there 10am-7pm Mon-Sat.

  9. We have vouchers for free books ready to give out to any organization that is helping with flood relief. If you are assisting in helping and/or know of some local efforts, please email me phone #'s of the decision making person to speak to, that would be great. We hope to give away a few thousand books to those who have lost all their books recently.

    We are already in touch with several churches on Marietta Street nearby and Clarkdale Elementary but thought we could reach out a little further to help.




    Susan-make sure to add West Ridge Church in Dallas to your list! Also, Samaritan's Purse! They are doing fantastic work!

  10. Samaritan's Purse can rebuild the houses lost...but-there has to be enough donations made designated to be for the Georgia Flood before they can bring in the teams . They are amazing-I was able to volunteer with them this past weekend (and will again for this upcoming one) They have teams still in New Orleans rebuilding after Katrina. Awesome..here's a video--and a link at the end for where to go to give a donation...they are non-profit... www.samaritanspurse.org



  11. If your register today will they be able to send you out today if it is your only day off?


    We are headed out today at 12:15. If you get there maybe at noon (bring your lunch, drinks, wear close toed shoes,{and I"m bringing a mask and rubber gloves}) and sign up, I am sure they could probably get you out there-

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