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Posts posted by confederaterose

  1. I do not know of one the Hiram area.


    The Ritz on Dallas Highway, in the Kroger Shopping Center, across from Ave. does both.


    I have used them off and on since they opened about 25 years ago. I have used them for laundry, dry cleaning, shoe repair, purse repair and alterations and always extremely satisfied. They do everything except shoe repair on premises.


    I made the mistake of taking an item to a cleaner about a mile from house, a few weeks ago. It is just drop off and sent out. It took 2 weeks to get it back and then I could not even tell it had been cleaned, which is doubtful.

  2. Pubby, was it 8 years ago that you hosted the debates @ Chatt Tech? Wish you would do that ago. I know it is a major undertaking.


    Bill Heath debated Mason Roundtree. When it came out that Bill wanted anyone that got a piercing and it got infected to spend 10 years in jail. I am thinking and my peirced ears get infected and I go to jail for 10 years. I left shaking my head and thinking what kind of kook do we have here.

  3. When he stopped by my house, I told him how displeased I am that the county and cities allow sub-contracts to hire illegals. The grass cutters that cut the county right of ways appears to be illegal, as they do not speak English.


    When Dallas was bricking the sidewalks, it appeared illegals were doing that.


    I have not witnessed but rumor has it that the county only hires a contractor for rockmason work that hires illegals, as of course, he is low bidder.


    A lot of the repaving work goes to CW Matthews and that work appears to be done by illegals.


    With the employment rate in this county bumping 11%, I think our tax money should be spent on hiring legal resides of Paulding County.


    When I mentioned this to him, he said he would not have any control over that. Maybe he has changed his mind.

    • Like 1
  4. Pubby, Isn't Bill Heath up for re-election? Doesn't he represent a large portion of Paulding? Will he be added to the list of candidates?


    Wish that once you vote, you see the results from that point forward and not just the votes up until the time you voted.


    From the list of candidates running, it appears it does not much matter who you vote for or against. A large number of the people seem to be well connected to the Paulding County "good ole boy" system.

  5. It seems several that were on the school board are running. They got beat in the last election. Is this county now going to elect them to their level of incompetence?


    If they are not qualified for the school board, what does qualify them to be our representative?


    Sound like just more good ole Paulding County politics to me.


    I went to Daniel Stout's web site. I also have issues with some of the things he states. The issues are mostly with things that are standard for the Rep. party.

  6. Thanks for posting this. Glad to know you can get this done locally. I do not have any I need done at this time. I have several that I have had done this way and then I put mod-podge on them and they really look like oil paintings. Then I take them to the Dallas Art Shop, have them put in a really nice frame.


    I am going to look though some pictures and see what I have and then decide where I could hang them.

  7. Just wanted to give a special thanks to CPL Gurley. Everytime I saw Bruce Harris on TV, in his golf shirt and jeans, looking like he just crawled out of bed, it made me chringe.


    With CPL Gurley as the spokesperson for the Sheriff's Dept., it really makes me proud. We no longer look like the redneck, hicks of the Metro area.


    I also have a couple of questions. What was Steve with Barks and Bags charged with? I read somewhere that Nemie would not be charged. Why is Nemie not being charged? Was this not a joint effort? Is this selective prosecution?

  8. Of course, I have several male friends. We have been friends, even before I met my husband. He likes them and does not think a thing about my going out to lunch or what ever with them. I feel sure they will always be my friend and nothing more. If DH wants to come along that is fine too. If he does not come with us, he does not drill me about what we did, etc.

  9. The show I saw on the value added tax, is that the tax will be 25%. It will not be visible like sales tax or income tax. It will be taxed prior to marketing, so expect everything to go up by 25%. The legislation has already been introducted by someone, I think last name is Conrad. The Dems. say that is the only pay we can pay off this massive debt that has been incurred and is going to be incurred with the health care plan.


    This has nothing to do with the Fair Tax or income tax. A 25% added value tax on everything, from a loaf of bread to a new house.


    If this passes, sounds to me like the aftermath of the 1929 crash is going to be nothing compared to this.



  10. Wonder how they figure the response time. Someone near and dear to me, house caught on fire. A neighbor called 911. The call went to an unmanned fire station. Then when they finally did get there, they rode the street 3 times to find out there was not any water on the street, as every one on wells. Then they went to the ajoining street and the first 2 hydrants did not work. By the time they found a working one, ran the hoses for 1/4 mile and started pumping water on the house, it was appox. 1 hr. Needless to say the 3 story house was on the ground. Did they figure the time, from the time they first got there or when they actually did something?


    It is a shame we pay all that fire tax for nothing. The way I see it, it is just another Paulding County taxpayer scam.

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