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Posts posted by Cathy

  1. Or is it my computer?

    It's seems as though every few days I can't online for 24 hours or so. Is comcast doing some work around Bobo Road?

    I'd call comcast and ask but don't want to go through the whole "please press 4" thing.

    thanks, cathy

    remember.....God loves you! (But I'm His favorite!)

  2. I have three and have regretted them for years.

    I have actually had the largest one lasered twice trying to remove it but it is a slow, painful and expensive process.

    The other two I can hide with all my clothes and most bathing suits but I don't mind the roses/vine on my boob and I have Thumper from Bambi on my right hip...I like that one too.

    Mine have no signifigance but I do remember why I got them, etc.

    If I had any advice to give on tats, don't put one where it interferes with a nice evening gown or an $85.00 pair of heels!


  3. Hey all,

    Does anyone have any fundraising ideas?

    My daughter is doing the yardsale/bakesale on July 8 at Yorkville Methodist Church.

    I have a bluegrass gospel group who are going to do a benefit singing at Big Oak Baptist Church on July 29 ( they are booked until then) but other than that, I am stumped.

    I am still working on setting up her donation account. I had to get the doctors office to fax copies of med records to the bank and then Regions has to send it to corporate to be verified and ok'd before we can set up the account. I may have it open by Monday.

    I only have 4-6 weeks before I go back to work and to date I have only raised $35.00 and that was word of mouth.

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

    I think my email address is on my profile....maybe. Still a newbie :huh: <---but I am lovin the smileys!

    or just pm me.

    many thanks,


  4. Hey everybody,

    Want to do something good?

    We are going Saturday to take food and prayer to the homeless in Atlanta. We also offer them a way out - a bed in a recovery center or shelter.

    If you want to go, be at Yorkville Methodist Church Saturday at 9:30 am.

    We go out with about 50 other people and take food to the people who live under the overpasses in Atlanta.

    A guy we call Pastor Seven started this a long time ago. You may have seen him on TV last night. He was on the show Atlanta Live that comes on Atlanta 57 station (channel 14 on comcast)

    Anyway, if you want to go, it's safe and very rewarding.

    If you can't go, you're welcome to stop by the church and help pack the lunches....we take about 50 sack lunches with us each month when we go.

    Hope to see you saturday!

    God is good all the time!


  5. Hey lockemup!

    Bring the babies on! Our theory is that if we have crying or playing babies in the sanctuary then God has blessed us with happy healthy babies!

    I take my grandbaby with me every sunday. She will be 3 next month and just recently started going in the kids church. She stayed with me in the sanctuary and still does sometimes. I leave it up to her. But she's a really shy little kid and it took her a lng time to WANT to go in the back without me. I don't blame you wanting to keep your babies with you until you get to know who they are going with!

    Do like I did, keep 'em with you 'til they are big enough to walk back there alone lol!

    If your babies cry, the preacher will just preach louder ha ha.



    For DrPepper,

    Thank you for reading between the lines and being so thoughtful!

    Any thing that anyone wants to bring for the bake sale would be greatly appreciated as we are only a handful and can only cook so many cakes and pies! Thank you!

    Anything that anyone wants to donate for the yard sale would be awesome as well!

    Thank you DP for seeing what I forgot to say!

    I think I have a new home at PCOM!

    God is good all the time!


  6. And yes, please pm me about donations. I am in the process of setting up an account for that purpose but it is a process. I am hoping to have an account with Regions soon!


    God is good all the time!



    ps...does my pm work? somebody pm me and let's see!

  7. Hi Lockemup,

    It's just like Toni to bring you great gifts and barely know you....that's what I'm talkin' about with her!


    If you left Big oak when they split, I'd like to invite you to visit us at Yorkville Methodist. Don't mind the fact that it says methodist on the sign, we're really just a bunch of old hippies trying to get closer to God.


    We're going down to Atlanta this Saturday and anyone reading this is welcome to come with us. We go down under the overpasses and take food and prayers to the homeless and offer a way out. I went down there last month for the first time thinking that I would be a blessing to someone and came home realizing that I was the one who had been blessed.


    I am probably putting this in the wrong place.....anyway, you may be able to read about this on our website... YorkvilleUMC.com

    There's a picture on there and a blog that I am trying to do, but I don't get on my puter as mucha s I'd like to. I have been fighting Kudzu wars this spring!


    Yorkville Methodist is also where we will be having the yard/bake sale on July 8th, proceeds to go to Toni.

    Many Many thanks to the people who read this and replied. Thank you so very very much for the prayers as they are the most important thing we can do right now.


    Thank you Jabez, Football and Crusader

    God is good all the time



    ps...FootballChic, I googled myelodyspasia and it came up under Luekemia a lot. I know that it can turn into Leukemia and I think it did in Toni's case hence the transplant. I have received most of my info about Ton through my daughter who has dated Marshall for about 6 years now and I think Toni keeps and has kept a lot of stuff from the kids to keep them from worrying.

    Google it!

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