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Posts posted by Christine83071

  1. My daughter has been looking for a job for months and can't find anything. She is great with kids, especially special needs kids and a hard worker. She makes good grades and is really a good kid. I don't know why she can't get hired anywhere. Any ideas or know of any place hiring part time?

  2. My son and his friend dress as Dumb and Dumber. I am alittle embarassed to show these pictures. They had a blast though and they were the hit of the party!!

    My son is in the blue!

    We saw them at White Oak Park. We took pictures there as well.

  3. I personally have a nikon and I love it. But I truely think its the lens and the photographer not really the camera. I choose Nikon because I am used to the controls and I have found more info, dvds, instructional stuff for it. A camera is a camera. What you do with it afterward is the thing...JMO

  4. I can find a private place that does CDL testing? My hubby wants to take the test but we don't want to drive all the way to Jackson.

    He wants a place that provides the truck.


    Does anyone know?



  5. They are $2:50 each

    I will have some with frogs,helicopters,Lady bugs and then one with Football, Sockerball ,Basket ball,Bats and ball glove.

    How about flip flops???I'll buy a couple if you have flip flops!!!

  6. The rain should stop on Sunday! White Oak Park has alot of good scenics for portraits!


    Let me know asap...

    I'm filling up appointments!

    How funny is that! I planed to do the same thing at the same place and decided to do it for sunday as well. I got a new camera for christmas(Nikon D40) and was going to take the kids out to do just that. I;m still learning how to use it and bought some dvd's on the camera and wanted to try out what I learned.


    Hope to see ya there!

  7. That is so cute. I made one a couple months ago for a friend. You can really show your creative side with them. So many variations and things you can add to them. I even took a wash cloth up to the mall and had them embroider the baby's name on it.

    Great job.

  8. I have a soon to be 13 year old boy. His room needs a makeover. When we moved in our home about 5 years ago we painted it half blue and half gray with a truck border in the middle. He loved it for about a year and he outgrew it. Now he needs it repainted and his suggestions are black. He is not emo (or what ever you call it) He just wants it black with designs on it. There is no way I am painting a room black. Can you imagine how long it would take to primer it when he doesn't want black anymore?

    I want to surprise him with a new room but don't know where to start. He is not a sports kid so painting it sports team colors is out of the question. I have googled everything and only can come up with little kid stuff. Any suggestions?

  9. I perform drug tests where I work and it is normal to get a non negative drug screen if you are taking any kind of pain meds. Human resource departments are well aware of it. It gets sent to a lab and the MRO will call you to verify the RX. The person who does the test does not take the information of perscriptions. That is for the MRO to do. It sounds like he had a quickscreen. You don't technically fail them until you get the confirmation from the MRO.

  10. Ok, so I am using the homemade stuff for the first time. I added a few drops of the bluing in the bucket just so the whites wouldn't get dingy.

    I have a front loader so it's important that it doesn't sud too much(considering I just replaced the pump because I bought regular instead of HE detergent by accident,pretty expensive lesson) I see no suds what-so-ever. I almost think I should see at least some. But I see nothing. I guess I'll wait to see the finished product.

    One thing that concerns me is the consistency of it. After it gelled after the 24 hour set time I stirred it and put the lid on the bucket. It seems to be real watery now. Is that normal? I don't want it too thick of course but it seems real watery.

  11. Wow, this is great. I'm going to make some tonight. I had everything already in the house except for the washing soda and the bucket. I'll have hubby pick up the bucket and I just got the washing soda at kroger for a couple bucks. BTW I have one of those paint mixers that you put on your drill that would be perfect for mixing it in the bucket.

    Awesome! I am psyched to do this too!! Thanks everyone!

  12. Anyone?


    I've been loving to play Scrabble on Pogo.com


    Used to like to play Literati on Yahoo but now it seems its full of freaks yikes

    I love pogo. My fav right now is Dice City Roller. It's like Yatzee

  13. I was just looking at picasa. It is good but I want something a little more advanced I think. Can you color areas of the photo with 'Elements'?(ie teenage facial touch ups, etc) You cannot do that with Picasa. Only redeye.

  14. there is a free program, available through Google I believe, called Piccaso. I know lots of people who have used it and rave about it.


    Otherwise, depending on what you want to be able to do, there are different programs, at different levels. Most all Adobe products are excellent, you can start out with Elements for under $100.

    I have Picasa but have mostly used it for storage. Haven't done much editing with it. I guess I should look at it some more. What do you use. Your pics are always so beautiful.

  15. I have a Nikon and I would like to try to edit some photos that I have taken. Tell me your opinions on editing programs. I looked at best buy yesterday and they are so expensive. Are there specific things I should look for in a program? What do you use? What is the best?

  16. I came in the middle of it. Joy Behar was doing this thing on funny things that have happened on the view. She did some funny skits with whoppie and Barbara and a real cute one of Sherry and her child. When they got to Elisabeth they showed her saying goodbye to Pres Bush. They proceeded to show them both grope each other which was kinda funny. Then they showed this disclaimer about it was all fake they showed Fake "ars" then they showed the real "ars" and put Pres Bush's face on the screen. How disrespectful!

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