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Posts posted by osfan

  1. Who said pubby doesn't love DRAMA? :lol:


    and the pics above are the same date. :lol: :lol:



    This is a NEW poster, with only 7 posts.


    Did it ever cross your mind that whoever this is, posted this to STIR THE POT?????

    The Shelter is a Loved institution here.

  2. Great points! I also watched that same program on TLC last night....


    Nope, I know nothing about my child's bus driver. Don't know her name, don't know her background, don't know of any medical conditions she may or may not have.

    Never thought about it til just now.


    I guess I'm not sure what thinking about it can help.... I suppose I could walk down the end of the driveway this afternoon, and see if ahe has time to chat with me for a minute, but again, I don't know if that would do anything but make me feel like a total dork for holding up her route.


    Now that you've gat my mind on it.....Do you have any suggestions, tips, or advice for a parent who really knows nothing about her child's bus driver?

    What questions should I ask, and of whom?

    What information is accessible by parents, about their child's bus driver?

    What is it that I should be doing, as a parent, to ensure my child's safety and well being while he rides the bus home from school?



    I would start with the school system. They should have an evaluation sheet on everyone that drives a bus, and should be willing to hand this information out to parents upon their request.


    I think most people take this for granted that their kids will be in the safest environment available, when in actuality, you have no idea who is transporting your precious cargo.

  3. Do you value the safety of your children?


    Do you let them go with anyone if they need a ride?


    Watching some reality show on people escaping bad situations, there was a piece on a School Bus driver that had some seizure and the bus ran off the road. The bus was filled with kids. Thankfully, no one was seriously hurt, but....


    Do you know anything about the Bus driver that is responsible for your kids transportation? Do you really know?

    I know they do random drug tests, but do you know anything about their background or family history?


    This isn't a slam on bus drivers, but more of a general question.


    Also, why is it a law that you must wear seatbelts while riding in a car, but a schoolbus is not required, even though they are carrying many people most valuable part of life?


  4. Taxation without representation is what caused the problem you speak of. If the American people have representation they don't get ripped of by educated people, whether they got that education in a public or a private school.


    I don't mind paying taxes, but I hate getting ripped off. I will be getting representation for the taxes I pay, starting NEXT YEAR. :)



    You are such an ass.

  5. What you call yourself is certainly a good identification of your true nature, Insensative.


    You are truly numb to reality. You have no respect for anyone, and claim no dignity and respect for your own persona . Insensitivity is described by your name, and it is certainly administered in your game. :)



    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    You are the one so separated from reality, here.


    The lack of respect issue applies to you, for your past actions. Your threads can attest to that.


    You really do lead a sad existance.


    OH, and if you are going to use my name in a post, please learn how to spell it, correctly.

    You could even Copy and Paste it.


    You are a PRO at that.


    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  6. Conservatives think their financial status defines dignity and respect, for them. Money cannot buy them love, though!


    I'm not saying that all conservatives are bad apples, but the ones with the biggest bank roles probably are bad apples.


    I just get tired of seeing the vacuum cleaners sucking up everything in their path and calling that living with dignity and respect.






    It's better than conning for a living, Insensitive! B)


    Are you SLANDERING ME? :rolleyes:




    All you do is whine and complain about how much others who work hard, make more money than you did.

    You are a lonely old fart who can't connect to anyone here, so you post this nonsensical crap, in hopes you will find someone to talk to.

    Most of your posts are copied from somewhere else, and pasted here. You never give credit where you get them from, but then most, like this one, don't make any sense.






    That's right, go PM pubby. :lol:

  7. http://www.wsbtv.com/closings/index.html



    Lumpkin County schools will be closed.


    All evening activities for the Appalachian Technical College, Atlanta Academy of Language Learning, American University of Biblical Studies, Clayton County Public Schools and Green Pastures Christian School have been canceled for Wednesday night.

    All Classes at the FreckBreckSpeck Academy will be closed, Thursday

    The Art Institute of Atlanta is also closed Wednesday night. Students report Thursday at Noon. Staff and faculty report Thursday at 10 a.m.



  8. oh i;m fine i'm a yankee and can grive throught the toughest...but he's a true georgian and never seen snow..


    and this is my husband were talking about..so driving in the grass is not out of question



    :lol: :lol: :lol:

  9. There are times when I wish there was a lifeguard in the gene pool. That is all. We now return you to your regularly scheduled forum on why a little precipitation turns normal people into blithering idiots, along with other obvious observations like, water is wet and heat is hot.


    You should see it when a Helicopter or a siren goes by. :lol: :lol:

  10. Call Wallmart and ax if anyone has filed a report at their lost and found.


    If so, ax in what the amount was.


    If you keep it and spend it, you will always wonder if that was someones food purchases for a week or two, and now they are hungry.


    Unless it was Jack Nicholson's. Then SPEND it! :D

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