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Posts posted by osfan

  1. Here is a question fer all you frecks.



    Why have a scented smell in dishwashing soap? :blink:


    I mean, if your dishes are clean, then why have them smelling like lemon or lime, or spring fresh?

    Doesn't that mean there is a film of the scent on them, and they really aren't clean?



  2. dude, thar is another thread about it started yesterday....


    but that wuz yesterday and I am axing today, cause if I wanted yesterdays news, I would have read yesterdays stuff, but since today is not yesterday and is the future of yesterday but before tomorrow which would be 2 days from yesterday I wanted to know if today was different from the news I'd get tomorrow on the question I axed about todays topic from yesterday!


    Kapish? :blink:

  3. :rolleyes:




    You have a DIRTY mind, FRECK. This is a Family site. :rolleyes: <_<



    If she puts him in a bad situation, Now, will he use it against her , later? :rolleyes:


    and that was specking in general, not referencing anyone, especially sumone like the one you was thinkin I thought meant that sumone.




    What a FRECK! ;)

  4. What else? :blink:














    Actually, she will get a dinner of her choice wharever she wants, just NOT on Mothers Day. ;)

    Too busy to go out.


    She will also get a bouquet of flowers. :wub:

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