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Posts posted by osfan

  1. This Saturday is the PCMA clubs County appreciation day, we will be flying all day long and have 3-4 planes going on the buddy box so anyone who wants to try flying a radio control plane can take a hand at it with a qualified instructor,


    we will be raffling off a trainer airplane for $5.00 a ticket.

    Money goes to the Paulding COPS for kids.


    we will have the concession stand open and you can buy drinks and food. starting around noon.


    Come on out and have a fin day with us. Hope we will have a great turn out this year.


    I tryed to attach the flyer but said to big so here is a link to it.





    Will you have any Bennie Baby's that aren't Brecked that Speck Freck?

  2. Sirius kills XM, I've had both. Howard Stern's channels are great, especially The Bubba The Love Sponge show from 3-7pm each day. Musically, Classic Rewind, Hair Nation, and The Reggae channels are awesome. They also have every sporting event, including NFL, NASCAR, and Major League Baseball. Specialty channels for music are, Bruce Springsteen, Stones, Elvis, Sinatra. It is the best $12.00/mo. you could ever spend.


    I HATE Howard Stern, and Love MLB.


    XM - Best $6.41/mo. I could ever spend!



  3. I guess we will just go ahead and get one just to be on the safe side. Do kids need one, too?


    Make sure you have an ORIGINAL copy of your birth certificate. It has to have the embossed seal. A photocopy will NOT work.

  4. XM radio 1 yr subscription 50% off ($77) :)


    Here is side one of the flyer.


    Side 1


    and side 2,


    Side 2



    DON'T call the number on the flyer, call 8 0 0-682-4114.


    Have your Radio ID #, and tell them you want the $77 deal. If you have already paid for monthly service, they can adjust your package to reflect the savings.


    OH, and get them to send an invoice. You don't want them to automatically start billing your CC, when it runs out.


  5. OK Really long story short my husband & I know someone very well who's child may or may not have a disability. Does this mean that mom and dad should let child run wild and let other kids safety be at risk. A few examples Now remember he is 6 yrs old. He got mad at my 2 yr old one day and shoved him over toy he wanted and my son was trying to give it to him (in the garage with hard cement floors, tools. and plenty of other dangerous objects that he could have been hurt on). When my youngest daughter was maybe 4 or 5 months old sitting in the floor he would come running through the room right past her and would start rough houseing on the floor right beside her and dad said nothing Hell he egged it on and got on the floor with him with no concern for the safety of my daughter. Hmmm oh yeah he also pulled one of his cousins under water in the pool and again nothing, when he should have been pulled out and explain why we dont do that. Instead Oh he got scared well then does'nt that mean you get off you lazy butt and get in the water with him.


    Is it just me or does this just sound like alot of lack of parenting?


    Keep your kids away from the little BRAT.


  6. OK, here is how we did this:


    we tried the online activation but that was not an option for his radio (don't know why, it just wasn't). He called them, they told him how to activate it by setting it to XM1 for 15 minutes, then going to XM7 which would have music and XM200 which would have sports. After at least 15 minutes, XM7 did not have music nor did XM200 have sports. However, XM46 was there, XM247 (the emergency alert channel) was there, Disney was there and a few others--one of the jazz channels was available and two or three sports channels plus a couple of more, probably 10 or 12 channels in all. None of the current channels were there BEFORE we tried activation.


    There is something wrong. You should be able to receive ALL the channels. Take it back to where you purchased it and tell them it isn't working correctly.

  7. XM radio 1 yr subscription 50% off ($77) :)

    This still works!


    Here is side one of the flyer.


    Side 1


    and side 2,


    Side 2



    DON'T call the number on the flyer, call 8 0 0 -682-4114.


    Have your Radio ID #, and tell them you want the $77 deal. If you have already paid for monthly service, they can adjust your package to reflect the savings.


    OH, and get them to send an invoice. You don't want them to automatically start billing your CC, when it runs out as they will charge you the full price.



    Tell them you want the $77/year deal.


    I have done this for 3 years now. Every time they say this is the last time you can do it. :lol:

    I just say either cancel or give me the $77/year deal!


    Works every time.

  8. I cannot believe you'd balk over $20 to have something potentially serious/dangerous checked out, but will spend $100andsomething on a changeable purse. :rolleyes:


    I hope you went. Because of yours looks like the photo, man, that looks realllly nasty.


    She has to live up to her name!


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :rolleyes:

  9. Surepip - years earlier than 2006, I talked to the water/sewage department and they assured me there was more than ample sewage for all the growth with prd's in the county. I questioned this, but was told again, more than enough. I did not have a degree, just common sense and knew he was wrong.

    Lies, lies, that is all we get.

    Grandma Carol - Whno do you think approved all this growth, when the infrastructre was not there to meet the growth?

    Lisa G, you see candidates for sheriff on here a family member for Austin on here. You should have been on here for the last election, Sheridan was on here every night, chatting, answering questions, joking, making promisies. The reason he is not on here visible and answering quesitons, is because - he does not need Paulding.Com on this election - he has some big backers and voters with other people than the citizens.

    Another reason he is not on her visible, is because he does not have the gall(a nicer word) to face some of the citizens he made promises to and assure us any more what he will do for the county. He last campaign promises have not been met. So he would face a lot of quesitons and critics, but they would be deserved. He use Paulding.Com to his advantage, but now he has other things to use. If her cared so much about the citizens and the well being of the county instead of hisself, he would have talked to the citizens all during his term. Sure you don't understand, but most are a little bitter here.


    2 EXCELLENT Posts!!!!!!! (Surepip's and this)


  10. I want to thank you, WHITEY, for all you have done in Paulding county. I highly respect you for your stance in speaking to us here on P.com. If we had some politicians who would actually speak to the people, here, the way you do, we could understand things more clearly. You don't ware your personality like emotional feelings, which are hurt because people ask personal questions, but you ware it for the benefit of the people. Politician's should ware their personality for the people they work for.


    Thank you for having character like the politicians SHOULD HAVE!



    Where is the PUKE smiley?


    (Whitey, this has nothing to do with you)

  11. June 10, 2008: The Food and Drug Administration has expanded its warning to consumers nationwide that a salmonellosis outbreak has been linked to consumption of certain raw, red tomatoes.


    At this time, FDA is advising consumers to limit their consumption of tomatoes to the following types of tomatoes. The following types of tomatoes listed below are NOT likely to be the source of this outbreak.


    cherry tomatoes

    grape tomatoes

    tomatoes sold with the vine still attached

    tomatoes grown at home

    Also, FDA recommends consuming raw red plum, raw red Roma, or raw red round tomatoes only if grown and harvested from the following areas that HAVE NOT BEEN ASSOCIATED WITH THE OUTBREAK:













    New York


    North Carolina



    South Carolina



    West Virginia




    Dominican Republic




    Puerto Rico


    Consumers who are unsure of where the tomatoes are from that they have in their home are encouraged to contact the store or place of purchase for that information.






  12. My point in this forum is that if we ever hope to have meaningful conversations with the candidates and elected officials in this county, then showing a little courtesy would probably go a long way. As long as people continue to attack every post and hurl insults, it's not going to get us anywhere.



    You must be looking for the "Kumbuyah Forum".


    It is down the hall.



  13. There is no way for them to know where they are from, O's. Even the FDA hasn't figured that out, as yet.




    If the supermarket does not know where they get their food from, they shouldn't be in business.


    Stick to your Political BS, Eddie. You aren't that good at it, but better than this. :wacko:


  14. There is an older gentleman on Angham Road between Cleburne Parkway and Hiram-Lithia Road that sells them every year. I don't think he has any ripe yet.




    Shouldn't she be able to tell by their accent? :blink:


    Thank you for korecting me. :D



    I wouldn't worry about the local or non Mexican grown.

  15. :friends: :friends: :friends: Awww come on, can we all just get along and play nice????? ;)


    Seriously, I'm not defending anything any elected official (or candidate) in this county has done (or developers for that matter). I was just hoping that we could tone the cattiness down just a little and treat everyone a little more nicely.



    I am sorry, but after the abuse the elected officials have placed upon the citizens of Paulding County, they get what they deserve.


    Being "Nice" to them, is LONG gone and NOT an option!



  16. Yesterday..Before I watched the news. I called the local store and boy was he PISSY. Asked who I was and everything.. All I wanted to know, is if they are safe to eat. He said the recall was days ago. I was out of town and the first I heard of it was yesterday. What to do..Eat them and get sick or take them back to the store. The receipt says they are from the vine..But the tomatoes aren't attached if that makes sense.


    Anyone growing them? I gotta have my tomatoes :D


    Call the store and ask where the tomatoe's are from.


    If they are Mexican, Get rid of them, otherwise you should be OK.

  17. You're right, I have never attended a BOC meeting. But, being treatly rudely is no reason for anyone to treat others that way.


    I think your use of the terms "Chaircrook" is rude and it implies a personal attack on Jerry Shearin. Yes, it is based on information that you gathered and it is your belief that Mr. Shearin is a crook. BUT, it is still rude. I would hope that as a group of adults, we could actually have adult discussions without resorting to name calling and personal attacks. Also the use of the term "Robber Baron Mega Developer" is rude (and, quite frankly, childish). Okay, you don't like the developers in the county - I understand that.


    And there are more situations. For every candidate and elected official that posts, there is, more often than not, posters who go out of their way to be rude to that person. I just think it's unnecessary.





    You should be ashamed of yourself! <_<


    How dare you refer to Mr Shearin as "Chaircrook".


    LisaC, Thank you for bringing this to light. ;)



    "Chaircrook" was uncalled for. -_-







    Lying Lounge Lizzard would be a much better choice. :D


    The Developers have been in bed with the current elected officials for long enough.

    Hell, they really can't screw us any more, but they sure as hell will try, if you re-elect them!

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