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Karma train going through Hiram!

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Wow, amazing, The former mayor Carmen Rollins, who I have spoken about several times, is finally in the hot seat. Lets see the city council said she did nothing wrong when she "purchased" items from her own pawn shop with the "city" money. In a nutshell she wrote checks to herself, and then cashed them, talk about using your position. Well, now lets take a look at the vehicle she was using as a "city" vehicle, it was actually registered to Main Street Pawn, a business owned by her. The city was giving her a $500.00 a month vehicle allotment, she was submitting mileage and some other violations in which she basically got paid three times per month to use a vehicle that was claimed as a business vehicle. Mrs. Rollins then sat in there and played her religious card, when she is the epitomy of fraud. Glenn Stinson, how do go over $100,000 over your budget? I pray to God that these people come clean and just free themselves of all the BS they put people through in Hiram. Apologize to the taxpayers, perhaps get indicted. Mr. Stinson decided that he would be in charge of all open records requests submitted, interestingly enough videos that were documented as being included in investigations came up missing. These videos would have proved that certain officers within the department were derelicting their duties, certain individuals Mrs. Rollins would have been caught having "secret" meetings in an effort to terminate anyone who spoke out against her wrongdoing. Well Mr. Stinson and Mrs. Rollins I feel that you two finally got caught and good luck in your legal proceedings, I will personally tell you it takes a toll on your health, and welfare. I wonder if the IRS knows about the vehicle, let's hope she did not write the vehicle off as a business expense for Main Street Pawn. I wonder how much the City taxpayers, and public don't know about her and her antics???? Makes you wonder what she may have gotten away with??????????????

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Interesting narrative but not sourced is my first reaction.


Is what you say true?


It would be news if it were and if it were, why isn't someone talking to DA Dick Donovan? (or are they?)


I'm going to let the post stand (remain public) but I am going to close it to comment at least until I am provided with similar information from a known reliable source as the information you speak of would have to refer to the proceedings of the Hiram City Council in executive session.


Bottom line, Smokey, smoke fills the room when you post and the reputation of any anonymous poster is by definition suspect.


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