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Death never takes a holiday;o(

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We know how happy the holiday season can be for you and your family. We want you to jump for joy all year long but as festivis is upon us, as well as Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzaa and New Years celebrations we want to make sure you know that murder, mayhem and intrigue still lay in wait for you at the store! A good mystery is a great gift so stock up today with a Twofer Tuesday special of paperback and hardbacks at buy one get one free!

As I post less and less, and Britaini takes over the reins of the store the beginning of the year, I will miss all of you being mad at me for duping you, really, it is something I cherish.

Please make sure you wish her well in her new role as fearless leader. Here is the scoop

Ms.Britaini is buying the store!


Signing off as the current fearless leader,



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