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I apologize - had the wrong link on the first post. This should do it, thanks ya'll


We would like to share our specials & new arrivals with you via the link to our newsletter below.


At the bottom of the newsletter is a coupon good for 25% off your next purchase! Considering how low the prices are, you really just need some pocket change when you come.


We'd love for you visit our Facebook Page, like the page & join our mailing list. It is only once a month so we won't bombard you!


Just one more click below...so colorful you will think you've landed in Munchkin Land! Thank you!


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still not working for me, not getting the same error, different internet error message this time :(

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still not working for me, not getting the same error, different internet error message this time :(

Maybe I needed to include webpage version. This may work: Webpage version


If not, I will need to take a class on copying & inserting links.. :blush: Thanks so much for your patience & if that doesn't work, please PM me your email & I know I can send it that way! OR, all the new items & the link are on the Facebook page: The Wearhouse Clothing FB Page

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