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Happy Thanksgiving from my family to your family. I hope that you all enjoy your day with your family and friends. This day is so special let your loved ones know that your thankful for them, through the bad and good times.


I wanted to share a couple of do's and don'ts while you are snapping away taking pictures to make sure that your pictures will come out just right.




Take the candid pictures those always turn out the best.

Have a smile on your face

Get a picture of all of your loved ones

If you camera has a timer on it try to get a group picture

Generation pictures are a must

Take a picture of the people who spent all of the time preparing the food ( send them a thank you note of the picture that you took of them)

If you don't know how to work your camera put the setting on Auto

Have a great time and snap away




When taking a picture stay away from mirrors especially if the flash will go off ( this ruins the pictures because the flash reflects off of the mirror)

If you taking a picture of someone running make sure that your camera mode is on sports (otherwise your picture will be blury)

Don't let a little kid run around taking pictures because you don't know what pictures they are taking

Bunny ears are okay for the canid shots but not for the posed shots


I hope everyone has a great day. P.S. don't forget about batteries this is one of the most important make sure to have extra on hand.


Look for my post on Friday as I will be having an amazing special for family portraits.




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