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Quick Tip For Metro Atlanta Homeowners from Harbor Bay Landscaping

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Did you know...


- An acre of grass acts like a seventy-ton air conditioner. The grass returns over 2,400 gallons of water to the atmosphere on a warm, sunny day.


- A twenty-five sq ft patch of grass supplies enough oxygen to support an adult.


- Grass takes in some of the worst atmospheric pollutants--carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, ozone, hydrogen fluoride and peroxyacetyl nitrate--and turns them into pure, breathable oxygen!


So, the better you take care of your lawn, the better you take care of the environment!

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Did you know...


- An acre of grass acts like a seventy-ton air conditioner. The grass returns over 2,400 gallons of water to the atmosphere on a warm, sunny day.


- A twenty-five sq ft patch of grass supplies enough oxygen to support an adult.


- Grass takes in some of the worst atmospheric pollutants--carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, ozone, hydrogen fluoride and peroxyacetyl nitrate--and turns them into pure, breathable oxygen!


So, the better you take care of your lawn, the better you take care of the environment!


Great tip!! Now I can tell my hubby he needs to be proud of all that grass he planted (about 2 acres) and has to mow. :lol:

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