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Lawn Mower Repairs in Paulding Done Here!

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I finally have some machines coming in this week, so if you think you need your mower serviced or repaired, give me a buzz on the phone or PM me. The first 3 days of this week should be decent weather to work in, then Thurs and Friday, not so good. I hope we're almost done with this winter stuff though!!! I'm ready for WARM temps and lots of wrench turnin'!!!


Thank folks!




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Subby, have you ever worked on vacuum cleaners? Mine needs cleaning and probably a new belt which I can do but don't want to do!


I have probably worked on EVERYTHING at one time or another. I keep ours maintained about every 2 months. What kind is it? If you can buy the belt, I'm sure I can probably fix it and clean all the filters and junk out of it. I have more than enough equipment to do the job. It may cost you and arm and a leg, but I'm sure we can work something out. I'm kidding!!! Just an arm...you can keep the leg! :lol:

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Bumped for the bizz!!! :) Have mower, will fix!! :D

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