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New Year's Eve Celebration

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Are you going to a New Year's Eve party? Or just staying home like my family? We have a tradition of staying home, having finger foods and ringing in the New Year. If you need some "finger foods" for your celebration, come by the bakery! We have Mexican Cheeseballs, Cheddar Ranch Cheeseballs, sausage balls, spinach balls and yummy pigs in a blanket all made up in a nice tray you can just grab and take with you! And don't forget the sweets...for some this is the last night before a diet. (bakers hate that word, haha!) We have mini strawberry cheesecakes, chocolate cheesecakes, napoloeans, cookies, chocolate chess tarts! And lots more. We even have soughdough bread bowls for your dips to nestle inside of.

We'll be open until 4pm today!

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