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Federal Response to Georgia Flooding

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First, I apologize to MillCreek Web Design. Second, here is the latest available information:


The Governor's Declaration


Governor's Letter to President Obama


President's Response as of Noon September 24, 2009 "NEW YORK (AP) -- President Barack Obama personally assured Georgia officials that requests for federal aid to deal with deadly torrential rains there will 'receive prompt attention,' the White House said Wednesday."


Again, my apologies for expressing an opinion on the Presidential response that sent the original thread off to die in the political forum.



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First, I apologize to MillCreek Web Design. Second, here is the latest available information:


The Governor's Declaration


Governor's Letter to President Obama


President's Response as of Noon September 24, 2009 "NEW YORK (AP) -- President Barack Obama personally assured Georgia officials that requests for federal aid to deal with deadly torrential rains there will 'receive prompt attention,' the White House said Wednesday."


Again, my apologies for expressing an opinion on the Presidential response that sent the original thread off to die in the political forum.


LTD, it wasn't just you. There were several of us who "helped". I am sorry too, the subject just makes me ill when I think of others loss. :pardon:

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Not a problem....We all have our political views / opinions.....


Aside from that, the weather, mostly the floods, caught many of us "by surprise." While I didn't receive any property damage, I know many others did -- not to mention, several people lost their lives.


For those that did receive major damage and have no flood insurance, I have no problem in them getting help.


With that said, let's try keeping our ppolitical views / opinions out of things, and work on getting things back in order in the community -- there have been several posts on various groups, churches, and organizations that are doing things for people who really need some help -- and I would imagine they could use some extra hands....


Likewise, for those who lost their lives, do keep their families and friends in your prayers / thoughts.

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