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First Timer @ the business meeting in Hiram

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So, I went to the Meeting @ Steak & Shake in Hiram for the first time this morning. Although I didn't have a clue what to expect and, more to the point, I didn't interact very much with anyone (I observed more than anything), I've got to tell you that it was very good to actually see various business owners/reps get together in one place to develop relationships that extends beyond their areas of expertise. I am sure this was the reason why these meetings were originally set up in the first place. I assume I am correct with stating this (correct me if I'm wrong), but thank you, Dawning!


I definitely think I will be attending more of these meetings in the future -- maybe one day I'll break out of my shell.

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I went to one of these meetings and got two people to do some work for me. One worked out great and the other one was a disaster.


I'm sorry the other didn't work out.


On a side note, you have a business in Paulding? If so, what do you do?

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The meetings are great with a bunch of wonderful people. Sorry I missed meeting you today as my morning was slammed! I hope to meet you next friday!!


It does seem like a very close-knit group. I understand completely. Looking forward to it!

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