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Just wondering if anyone knew what was going on over on Williams Lake road about 2:30? Just picked up the middle schooler up and saw a lot of folks in white suits out in the yard. Sherif, ambulance, fire and rescue hope all is well. :mellow:


If the white suits were 'environmental' suits ... it is possible there was a meth lab, either current or past, discovered. Those 'entities' are quite toxic and those charged with cleaning them up are careful (aka; white suits).


Sometimes a renter who runs a meth labe will leave a house in mid - month and the landlord may not check the property until the rent is past due ... only to find the remnants of a meth lab. The result is that they call the law and give them what information they have on the old renters (or even squatters) and, because of the environmental hazard, they bring in a clean up crew.


We did not receive a release on the topic and I just now saw it.



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