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Really get your ride shined up , they do great work ! :D


Absolutely.....he done a great job on my Buick!! :good:

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well..your Car looks brand new...you will be very pleased...It really Shines..






Marc and Lisa


Shines doesn't even describe it! All these years I thought my seats were dark grey...who would have known they were light grey :wacko: . Ya'll got the crushed in food out of the carpet AND the crayon off the plastic...I think ya'll traded my truck in for a new one! :p


Honestly, to anyone looking to have a detail, I would HIGHLY recommend Marc, Lisa and family! We will be taking hubby's truck next. Thanks ya'll!!!! :wub:

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Glad that we were able to take care of your Ride, It was our pleasure and it was nice meeting you and your hubby and kids





Marc and Lisa


Marc has been great and understanding with me. I have planned many different times to get the work done but have always had something come up. He is always understanding and I really appreciate that. I will get the truck and car both doen I promise. Thanks for keeping your patience with me.



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