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Reminder about siding claims for your home

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There is only ONE type of home siding left that is still valid to claim on. It is called ABT or ABTCO. You can file for the next 3 years (3 separate claims in all) before the deadline is up. I have included 2 links that can help you identify if you have this type of siding or not. (They are on my signature at the bottom) If you do, then please give me a call and I would be happy to file your claim for you. The two links will show you pictures with notation of things to look for. Hopefully this will help expedite matters, and help avoid me making a trip, only to find out you don't have the correct type to write.


And here is the deal, straight up-


There is no cost out of your pocket. The inspection does not cost you anything, and is provided for by the company. It takes (up to) 120 days before the inspector can come out, because of the back orders. Once this is done, it's only about a month or so before you receive your money. The entire process does not exceed 6 months before everything is handled. Then, just as soon as you are eligible to make your next claim, my company will notify you. A lot of people are not aware that you can claim more than once. I also know people who have tried to claim on their own, and either just got strung around for a year, or received very little money for all their efforts.


The only thing this costs you, is that the company takes 40% of whatever the settlement is. I know this may seem like a lot, but as litigators, it is my company's job to ensure you don't get a crappy deal. Imagine it like this- if you make a claim on house damage to your insurance company, THEIR adjuster will come out and it's their job to give you as little as they can get away with. In much the same way with siding, my company represents you, and fights on your behalf to make sure you get a FAIR settlement. By the time it's all said and done, you will most likely get back more (even at 60%) than you would have if you filed on your own behalf.....not to mention, you don't have to do anything once you've signed the forms and we take it from there. You just go about your business, and wait for the money.


Why 40%, instead of 30% you may ask?? Here's the reason- the ABTCO manufacturer does everything it can to make this hard for us, or any other claims service by not dealing with us directly. They will only send money to the home owner, and they will send the full amount to you. You are then required to send the company their 40%. Well.....as you might imagine, some folks do not honor the contract, and do not send the company their 40%. This requires us to hire out collection agencies in order for the company to get its share of the money for all the foot work and litigation put forth on your behalf. In short, the ABT do not like us, and they do whatever they can to try to trip us up. They would prefer you deal with them directly, so they can give you a fraction of what you should be getting....not to mention, YOU have to pay for the inspection out of your pocket, which runs between 50-150 dollars. I personally have talked with clients who tried this. They paid for an inspection, and some cases the ABT manufacturers gave them ZERO. So, you not only end up getting a bad settlement award, but you can actually lose money, by paying more for the inspection than you get back for damages.


The more I have dealt with this, the happier I am that I went through these same people (my company) to file on my own house!!


The forms take about 15 mins of your time, and that's it. We get you filed, and handle everything for you, so you can go on about your business, not having to worry about it anymore.


It's simply money in your pocket, if you have the patience to wait about 5-6 months. By then, you've probably forgotten all about it, and then WHAM!!! There's this nice fat check in your mailbox. All you have to do is send us our 40%, and you keep the rest to use ever how you see fit. Most people I know use the money to just re-paint their house. Some folks use it for whatever they need money for. It's YOUR money to do with whatever you want to.


My company specializes in knowing all the legal loopholes, and many other things to help get you the most money possible. Trust me, you will be getting your money's worth. I have filed my own house (which is ABT also), and will continue to file until the deadline is over, or until I have been "cashed out"...which means they give you all the money you can legally claim.


The mailers will hit your mail boxes in a few weeks, once the expired deals have finally been handled. But why wait until then??? Check the links, see the illustrations, and give me a call!!! Let's get YOU some money!!!


I would appreciate your business!!!


Glenn Jiles

Claims Manager for

Data Processing Services


678-315-8794 or email me at




Thanks folks!!! :)

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If you haven't done this, you need to contact Subby. The paperwork is easy and only takes a few minutes. He does most of it for you. :)


This is true. Most of our Claims Managers will get more info than they really need. I have honed this thing down to a fine art of getting only what I absolutely need, then spend my evening filling the rest out, so as to not take up more of my client's time than is necessary. Let's face it...we're ALL busy people, and don't have any time to waste!!

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Just signed up twp neighbors today.....call me!!

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Subby.........I need you to come out and look at mine please. I'm not far from you.


I would be glad to. JUst PM me your address or email it at glennjiles@comcast.net.




Thanks!!!! (wasn't meaning to "shout", I just wanted yall to know the easiest way is to shoot me an address and a contact number if possible). I have to pull some records at the county today, so when I get back, I can mapquest whoever sends me their locale's and drop by there. If you have ABT, I'll leave my card, and you can call me when you get home or whenever is convenient for you. :D

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