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Obamacare flack targeted at Michelle Nunn



This video which seeks to cream Michelle Nunn for her support of Obamacare is an effort to hurt the lady's chances this fall as the GOP runs on the belief that America had the best health care in the world until ... drumroll ... obamacare.

Of course that is, was and has been debatable despite the efforts of the industry to perpetrate that lie through sheer media weight.

But maybe that's untrue. If anything, this interview with Fox News Todd Wilemon, a Fox News commentator and managing director of the New York Stock Exchange should show how strong the case is for the view that Health Care in the US is the best in the world.

And certainly the former PR guy from CIGNA and also Humana, Wendell Potter, can attest to how right the 501 C4 political action group running those ads against Ms. Nunn in the following articles that includes a report on a speech by Health and Human Services Secretary under George HW Bush (41) and former president of Atlanta's Morehouse School of Medicine Dr. Louis W. Sullivan.

Obamacare reaction baffles former GOP  Secretary of HHS- Dr. Louis Sullivan

Mr. Potter also filed this scathing report on the current situation surrounding health care that talks about the fear, uncertainty and doubt that surrounds the talk about health care and who is responsible.

The health care industry:  fear, uncertainty and doubt

Potter, whose 25 years in the industry gives him unimpeachable credentials, hits another home run with this article  saying :

Pay no attention to those ... behind the Medicare curtain!

It is obvious with enemies like this, Ms. Nunn's suggestion that Obamacare needs fixing may be more a slide in to second than a slip and fall.



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