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Judith McGrath on the Arts

Laurel Bay


I found these particular statements from Judith McGrath on the mark:


If you have talent and choose to remain in your own hometown, it's assumed you're not good enough to make it "out there.” If you do leave, make good and don't return, you're accused of being ashamed of your heritage. If you go, "out there,” make it big and come back the celebrity, you're showing off. I can't figure it out. – Judith McGrath


Why do we pay top dollar to see an aging British rock star stomp across a weirdly lit stage, and ignore the local songster who puts on a free show in the park under the stars? Why is it that Ellen, who has a natural talent for drawing but didn't complete art school, needs to go to Scotland to find an appreciative audience for her colourful contemporary graphic works on paper? Why do we ignore her and give kudos to a well-educated European artist who filled a city construction site with balloons while explaining how modern urban architecture is alienating? – Judith McGrath


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