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~ Just A Little Bump In The Road ~

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20 Household Uses for Plain Ol' Vinegar

~ 20 Household Uses for Vinegar ~   1. Glassware: ½ cup of distilled vinegar added to a gallon of rinse water will remove soap film from glassware & make it shine.   2. Toilet Bowl: clean & deodorize your toilet bowl by pouring undiluted white vinegar into it. Let it stand for about 5 minutes, then flush. Stubborn stains may require scrubbing.   3. Bathtub: wipe down bathtub with vinegar & baking soda to remove film buildup. Rinse clean with water.   4. Ants: ant invasions



Cash for Critters

Spring is here ~ While we are all taking in the warmer days & spring cleaning, please remember that PHS is still asking for all of your empty ink jet cartridges!   Such a simple thing to do .... instead of tossing your empty in the trash, send it our way! We will take care of the rest!   so...... if you will, bug your neighbors, bug your co-workers, heck.... bug your boss too   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   What is Cash for Critters?




Well, I'm on a roll this morning   Let's think about the simple things ~ the really simple things ~ like our Sunday morning newspaper - loaded with coupons that we will never use ~   guess what? I found someone that can! (If it can be recycled, I'll find a way) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   http://www.ocpnet.org/   Our program serves military families by assisting you to forward "manufacturer's coupons" to overseas military bases. These bu



What's A Lube?

What's in a lube?   The following is a guide on why lubes are a necessity for safe, sexy fun.     WHAT IS A LUBRICANT? Any solution - oil or water based that helps increase motion and cut down on friction can be considered a lubricant - even just plain water. . WHY DO I NEED ONE? Everybody at some time is going to need a lubricant and for some sexual activities it an absolute MUST. For women, there are times that the body just does not generate enough vaginal fluid and many things



How To Clean Your "Toys"

Caring For Your Toys 101     Always clean your toys before & after any use. Use micro fiber towels and a toy cleaner or light soap & warm water. Keep all toys out of direct sunlight and away from extreme heat sources.   Unless specified, all toys are NOT water proof or water resistant. Remove batteries before extended storage.   Some materials used in the manufacturing of some toys have been known to cause irritation and/or allergic reactions when in contact with sensitive area



~ Bump's Favorite Poem ~

EBB   I know what my heart is like Since your love died: It is like a hollow ledge Holding a little pool Left there by the tide, A little tepid pool, Drying inward from the edge.     by: Edna St. Vincent Millay (1892-1950)



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