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About DanaRFreeman

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Place of Residence
    Other in County
  1. Photographs! Photography is an action that results in a photograph. You want us to know about posting photographs, unless you can tell me how to post my act of taking a photograph
  2. Will do with pride and honor for a man I was so blessed to know. Dana
  3. Bayne was my best friend. A retired USN Commander, he had a heart for the kids. After retiring from the Navy, he volunteered in prisons, helping prisoners to improve their education. This eventually led him to pursue a new career in education. He will be missed. Prayers for his wife, Deborah, the family and the school system are fervently solicited. Thank you all [Mr.] Dana R Freeman, retired teacher from the north, but now home at last.
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