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Posts posted by 123abc

  1. Forgive me people for it's been 41/2 months since my last post...not that i was missed I'm sure. (I was a little new to P.Com) Our house caught fire in Sept. I heard that it was posted on here - Hart Rd. Thanks to all of the wonderful people at Allgood Elementary - the teachers and staff took up a donation of more than $200 for us, Sweetwater Baptist Church (on the back roads to D'ville) gave us new kitchen gear - over $100 worth, my dear friends Angie Wingate and Kathie Cook brought Barbie's, books, crayons, etc.. to our girls when we were at the Country Inns and Suites in Hiram (2 1/2 weeks), my family who helped to wash some of our stinky clothes and anyone I may have forgotten to mention. I'll tell you, you really find out who you can count on in a time like this. Mostly, it's been the kindness of strangers who have gotten us through. I just wanted to let everyone know to REALLY know what your insurance will cover and how much...we've been lucky but we've met others who weren't and it was a nightmare. Our insurance is Cincinnati and we are now their biggest fans. They've been ranked in the top 3 insurance companies for the past five years by Consumer Reports Magazine (I was unaware).


    Hopefully, we will be in our house sometime in Feb. Keep us in your prayers, it's starting to wear on our personal finances as well as our emotions. I won't be able to respond to anyone as I'm currently at the library because we lost our computers in the fire. Thanks again to everyone who has helped us!!!



    Love from us all,

    Lisa and family

  2. We don't keep track as to stay equal. The girls are 6, 11 & 20. It's too hard with the age difference because they want such different things. As long as it looks fair and even is what we focus on. We tend to give them things they need rather than want. Like this year, my middle one is getting her room redone. New furniture and fixins'. Last year we released the oldest from her responsibility of paying car insurance. the youngest is happy with just about anything. They also like getting things like tickets to shows at the Fox, or like last year Monster Truck event tickets. We're considering tickets to the new dinner/show place at Discover Mills - like the Dixie Stampede but with Knights.


    My husbands family draws names due to the size. My family, much smaller, just buys for kids, grandparents and great grandparents. The adults get nada.


    Altogether, last year we spent close to $2,000. This also includes the small gifts - teachers, mail carrier, garbage collector, charity, etc... it's not much & usually something homemade or gift certificate. I'm always in such a good mood this time of year. :wub: :D

  3. Stopping loitering doesn't bring in revenue, stopping speeders does. ;)


    AMEN, preach it! We all know that if it doesn't produce capital in this county it doesn't matter! ;)

    BTW, not to hijack, but my husband got 2 $15 tickets for not being buckled up. FYI, after we paid them :angry: , we found out that if you are in a truck it is not required that adults be buckled. We won't pay it again!


    This incident may not have been loitering involved but that doesn't mean others aren't or won't be. All it takes is one person to start something and others who were loitering could jump in with a mob mentality. I just don't understand why it's easier to keep loitering to a minimum in a crowded movie theater but SOO difficult in a wide open parking lot. :blink:

  4. We used layaway to buy early when items were still available. We're using the heck out of it before the deadline. They are following Targets lead with the credit card thing. I understand where they're coming from about the expense. However, they already hire seasonal help why not just offer layaway Oct, Nov & up to mid Dec?


    Yea, Kmart still has layaway. And brother are they using it to their advantage! My sister checked with them when she heard about W/M. They are charging all kinds of fees for this service. Please read the agreement before you sign.

  5. I live close to there and was thrilled when it opened. :D Now, we won't go there after dark. :( Too many "up-to-no-gooder's" hang out there at night. We've heard of too many people trying to use stolen debit cards there. Make me ill that the SO will sit on the side of the road waiting to ambush someone going 10mi over the SL (neighbor got stopped twice-$75ea :o ) but yet they don't keep the loitering out of the parking lot! :angry: Dang, can't even go to McD's anymore!!

  6. 1st - A Watermelon a day! I'd stop on my way home from work everday at the fruit market, buy one, put it in the fridge and eat the cold one from the day before. Baby weighed 8 1/2lbs and was 23" long.

    Total weight gain 25lbs


    2nd - Ice and ice water all of the time and a plain baked potato once a week. Baby weighed 7lb 7oz and was 19 1/2" long. Total weight gain 27lbs


    3rd - A gallon of Ice water and a 3lb bag of Tangerines everyday!! (BTW-I hate fruit of any kind) Baby weighed 9 1/2 lbs and was 18" long. her head was so big that she got stuck on her cheek bones and we both had busted blood vessels in our right eyes. Total weight gain 30lbs.


    My great grandmother was one of those that craved things not good for you - ashes from the fireplace!! GROSS My grandmother craved ice (hard to come by then) and plain cornmeal! Another gross!

  7. My daughter and her boyfriend eat at Emeril's a lot. it's their fav. They do like Maggiano's, Atlanta Fish Market and The CF. She did say the cheesecake wasn't worth the drive though. They also love the Sunday brunch at The Buckhead Diner. They've never been there for dinner but if brunch is that good I would bet so would dinner. They dress business casual when they go out. Most all is VERY expensive except the Sunday brunch. Also, expect to wait a LONG time!

  8. To all who answered, thanks! Thanks too for your concern. The company that will hire me is in Rockmart and I know 3 people who work there. One has worked for them for five years and loves it there. The owner is very flexible - she allows you to work the amount of hours you need - for example my friend works 25 hours a week until Oct. then she goes to 40 to buy Christmas presents. She also increased to 40 hours for about 6 months before her baby was born to offset the cost when she went on ML.


    As for KSU - that's the only place that I can go that she will hire me. She said they are on top of their game there with the MT courses. Since this is run through continuing education financial aid (HOPE) isn't available. I'd have to front all of the money. Which wouldn't be a problem but I also have to front all of the money required to set up an office with the proper equip( new computer - got it- a seperate phone line, high speed ISP, and the machines I'd need). I was wondering how difficult this type of work was. I saw on GMA that the coding was better as far as training and slightly higher in pay. I just don't know where to go to get hired to be able to work at home.

  9. Medical Transcribing or Medical Coding? I have a job, @ home BTW, doing the transcribing if I want. But, I have to enroll and complete a course - it's $1500 at KSU. I've heard that the coding is a little easier and doesn't require as much training. I'm looking for input on each of these from people who've done this type of work.

  10. know what they call a doctor that graduated with a D average....doctor


    remember half of all doctors graduated in the lower 50th percentile of their class

    You know, I didn't have a problem with him and his abilities as an eye dr. I had a problem w/ his unprofessional, unqualified staff, his lack of compassion and his greed! It's a shame that they spend so much time and money to become educated and then are just educated jerks!

  11. I had VSP at one time and I bet I know who you are talking about. Is he in Citizens Square shopping center? He tried to rip me off and overcharge me so I left and went somewhere else.

    YES!!! I made an appt for me as well on that day. I had used another dr. for my contacts but he couldn't see me due to a vacation. At the reg dr's office I pay $30 for everything and have my contacts. At this office, w/my ins, it was going to be $225 out of my pocket. I told him no thanks and explained about the $30 at the other office. He said that every office is different and that he charges for something called a fitting fee that the ins won't cover. So proceeded to ask if it was necessary why hadn't I paid for it elsewhere? He said it wasn't deemed necessary by ins co's but he felt it was important to get a good fit. Funny how he's sooo concerned with a proper fit of contacts (where he charges more) rather than a child's pair of glasses! <_<

  12. VSP is awesome! We had a problem GETTING my husband's glasses from his eye doctor. After a month of waiting and calling, they FINALLY came in, but the lenses were exchanged, if he wore them upside down, he could see. :blink: SO, we took them back and after ANOTHER month, they came back and it was the same problem. We called VSP that day, his glasses were ready AND CORRECT less than a week later. VSP was definately worth the money, IMHO. :D

    FYI, I called VSP back and asked for a customer service supervisor. I explained how helpful the woman was earlier. They make a notation on the rep's file about every good call and give them what's called happy bucks. When they've recieved so many happy bucks they can redeem them - for what I don't know. So, next time you may want to call them back with a nice word.

  13. I took my daughter to an eye dr. on Dallas Hwy this past April. She got glasses, no problem with that.

    The front office "help", who was NOT certified to do the exam, did most of the exam in a holding area off of the lobby (I wasn't aware of this at the time). This was after they couldn't find my appt. on the books and wasn't going to see me. <_< When it came time to pick a frame the "help" told her to pick a frame from a section of the wall that was for kids. So she did. We got her glasses back in a week. She complained about the tightness on her face at first. I thought it was just because they were something that she was going to have to get used to wearing. :mellow: They began rubbing the skin off and making open sores. :( I took her to W/M to replace a nose piece and the tech suggested I make an appt. to get a new pair since those were too small. I explained they were new and my insurance wouldn't pay again for 24 months. She showed me how the frames were supposed to be fitted - they weren't! :angry: It was more like picking a pair of sunglasses. I got a second opinion on how frames should be fitted.


    Afterwards, I called the doc back and explained the situation to the front office staff - because they wouldn't let me talk to the doc. :glare: I asked her if I could bring my daughter by to let him take a look at her frames & we could discuss what to do. I told her I would be willing to pay 1/2 of a new pair of frames(even though I felt I shouldn't) if the doc would replace them. She said "ok let me talk to the doctor and I'll be right back". Do you know she got back on the phone & said he told her to tell me they would send me her prescription and I could take her somewhere else!!! :angry: I said so let me get this straight, he's refusing to see her today or anyday to correct a problem that is his & his staff's fault? He has no intention of making this right? She has open wounds where they rub! :angry: She said "yes ma'am, we'll send you her prescription and you can go somewhere else". I then told her to tell the good doc that he could expect to hear from my insurance co. today!! ;) She said ok, thanks. :blink:


    I called my insurance co as soon as I hung up. If any of you have VSP they rock!! :D Within 35 min I had lodged a formal complaint about the incident I just had and lodged an investigation complaint about the exam that his staff did. The VSP rep called this doc's office and was told the same as I was. She then called another office, got me an appt, got it cleared w/the ins co to pay for another pair and called the old office back to handle it all so I wouldn't have to have any contact with them what so ever. I'm happy about that but furious about what happened and at that so-called doc. Please be aware and educated about more than your medical dr. :excl: Since there was staph in my daughters class she was at risk with the open sores! :(

  14. I linked my card to Allgood at the Dallas Kroger. The self check out cashier had a huge amount of lamenated UPC code cards. All she did was scan the UPC card for Allgood and then I scanned my PLUS card and it automatically linked to Allgood. Ask the customer service mngr., they should be able to help there. I'm computer stupid too!! :lol: Thank goodness there are people who take pitty on us. :blush:

  15. When I attended high school, in Cobb County, we had an old multi level building. We also had special needs kids enrolled. We had extremely steep staircases on each end of the building that took a one landing turn. We didn't have elevators and yet noone ever complained that their kids were being held back or that they felt singled out. Everyone got an education and everyone graduated - why is this made to be such a problem 25 years later?

  16. The same thing happened to me on Hwy 61 coming from VR. I was at the stop sign at N.Ga. store when a yellow crotch rocket came flying suckin' up on my bumper. :glare: He rode that bumper, reving up in neutral every chance he got as to say "get the HE** outta my way", all the way to the N.Ga. ballfield hill. :angry: In front of me was a loaded loggin' truck, an big Astin Grading truck, 2 cars and a dually pickup. This idiot passed ALL of us riding on the double yellow lines going up the hill. Had he not been on the lines he would have hit a yellow Jeep on top of the hill. He was in such a hurry that we both ended up at the red light at McD's at the same time!! Boy he showed us, HUH? ;)

  17. What about the dogs that bark non stop night and day. Especially the three leged dog with the chain around his neck that he drags up and down the steps to the deck. These people had a dog that died so they burried it in the back yard by the fence and the mound of dirt looks like a sacred indian mound complete with sitting area and torches. Have you ever seen a male dog who is missing his hind leg hike his leg? It's something to see.

    Well, I can't say anything about the buried animal thing. We have our own Pet Cemetary (not the Stephen King kind) on my mom's property. We have brick outlined graves w/markers, purposely planted azaleas(SP?), solar powered lanterns, and a concrete memory bench. I know this sounds crazy to some but a cardboard box or plastic trash bag forgotten in the backyard just wasn't good enough. We even replace the flowers per the holiday. :)


    And yes, I have seen it. My friend has a rescued mut that lost a leg due to being hit by a car. His name is Trouble and he's very sweet. He leans against you when you are nearby but he can R U N.. :o :D

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