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Posts posted by laffytaffy

  1. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/01/07/cli...onal/index.html


    PORTSMOUTH, New Hampshire (CNN) -- Hillary Clinton became visibly emotional at a New Hampshire campaign event today after a friendly question from a voter.



    Sen. Hillary Clinton's eyes welled with tears as she spoke in New Hampshire Monday.


    At the close of a Portsmouth campaign stop, Marianne Pernold-Young, 64, asked Clinton: "How do you do it? How do you keep up ... and who does your hair?"


    Clinton said she had help with her hair on "special days," and that she drew criticism on the days she did not.


    Then she added: "It's not easy, and I couldn't do it if I just didn't, you know, passionately believe it was the right thing to do.


    "You know, I have so many opportunities from this country, I just don't want to see us fall backwards," she said, her voice breaking a bit. The audience applauded.


    "This is very personal for me, it's not just political, it's [that] I see what's happening, we have to reverse it," she said emotionally, adding that some "just put ourselves out there and do this against some pretty difficult odds.


    "But some of us are right and some of us are wrong. Some of us ready and some of us are not. Some of us know what we will do on day one, and some of us really haven't thought that through enough."


    "So as tired as I am and I am. And as difficult as it is to try and keep up what I try to do on the road, like occasionally exercise and try to eat right -- it's tough when the easiest food is pizza -- I just believe so strongly in who we are as a nation. So I'm going to do everything I can and make my case and you know the voters get to decide."


    The New York senator is under pressure after some weekend surveys show opponent Barack Obama with a sudden almost double digit lead, with less than a day to go until the New Hampshire primary.


    At a New Hampshire campaign event, presidential rival John Edwards told reporters he was unaware of Clinton's emotional reaction and would not respond to it.



    But he did say, "I think what we need in a commander in chief is strength and resolve, and presidential campaigns are a tough business, but being president of the United States is also a very tough business.


    "And the President of the United States is faced with very, very difficult challenges every single day, difficult judgments every single day."



  2. New Quarterback for the Green Bay Packers...



    In a news conference today Deanna Favre announced she will be the starting QB for the Green Bay Packers this coming Sunday. Deanna asserts that she is qualified to be starting QB because she has spent the past 16 years married to Brett while he played QB for the Packers. During this period of time she became familiar with the definition of a corner blitz, and is now completely comfortable with other terminology of the Packers offense. A survey of Packers fans shows that 50% of those polled supported the move.


    Doesn't this sounds idiotic and unbelievable to you? Well, Hillary Clinton makes the same claims as to why she is qualified to be President and 50% of Democrats polled agreed. She has never run a city, county, or state. Neither has she sponsored any significant legislation.


    When told Hillary Clinton has the experience needed in a President because she has 8 years in the White House, Dick Morris rightly stated "so has the pastry chef."

  3. ok let me clarify... I have NEVER smoked in front of her. I meant I smoked when I was young before I was ever married or had kids. So I haven't set a bad example. I have totally from the beginning told her smoking was bad. She used to even say stuff to my parents who did smoke (which I had no control over).



  4. wow moose.... those are great ideas.. ! Maybe I can do that. Believe me I have smoked (in my younger days) and I'm doing everything I know to convince her to stop. I really don't even know if she's "inhaling" to be honest..


    So sorry about your wife. Maybe I can tell her that story.


    and don't mean to sound dumb but what or who is LEO??


    And I don't even know why I wrote the name of the gas station or guy... I was just mad I guess. But he is contributing... If he wasn't helping kids get them I think it would be harder. I know they would find a way somehow though.




    edited to say: I have tried smoking in my younger days!

  5. well my husband did stop the sale tonight.


    What are your suggestions?? We have tried to convince her to stop. My dad has breathing problems from years of smoking. another family member died from emphesema like I said before... we have talked to her and begged her. But sometimes I think doing this makes her want to do it even more. I know if my parents told me not to do something when I was a teen that just made me want to do it even more. I know it's illegal, I'm NOT trying to get someone fired...the guy that sold them was the owner I'm fairly sure - he was in his 30s or 40s.. not a teen himself. And it is illegal to sell them to minors so what he did is also wrong. I am dealing w/ my teen as best I know how. I'm trying to be a realist because I know kids will try things. I don't go around pretending my child is perfect and would never smoke. I tried it to.



  6. well we knew she's been smoking but figure... she's going to do it anyway when she goes out. So what do we do?

    she says she is going to quit? I figure the more I push her not to the more she will want to?!?!


    Neither myself or my husband smoke but we have lost family members to emphesema (sp?) and other smoking related things and she knows it.




    That's quite an accusation. I'd edit that out. Wait, too late, I quoted it.



    Sneaky girl you have. Right under your noses. :lol:




  7. They sell cigarettes to minors!!!!!!!





    But FOR SURE the cashier "removed" sold cigarettes to my 16 yo daughter when we let her go in to get an "energy drink"

    We knew she'd been sneaking smoking and he sold them to her. My husband got out just to watch and sure enough he did it.


    My husband confronted him and he said..."I was about to ask for I.D." whatever.

  8. We need to get the Rainbow Coalition and the National Gay Alliance to


    rewrite all the intolerant parts of the bible.


    It's blatantly obvious the United Nations needs to appoint groups


    to rewrite the many insensitive passages and make it more inclusive.


    Jesus should have never said the things He did...it's time we straightened it out.


    For the children.



    :p :lol: :p there ya go!


    Did you even know Christmas is based on Pagan holidays? So really Christmas half Pagan and half Christian. (Actually, I would say the split would be 3/4 Pagan and 1/4 Christian).



    exactly so "WHO" are the ones complaining?


    I don't see Christians protesting the secular stuff

  9. Because those were bought with private funds not wasted governement dollars to promote a singular religion.



    I agree, however, there are LOTS of wasted gov't $$ that are a lot worse to me than a nativity scene... How come there is no "groups" protesting those wasted $$?? Nobody protested about the tax $$ wasted for the Dallas Christmas parade (cops used, clean up costs, etc) - what's the difference? There have been Christmas decorations bought and put up by counties for years (on the light poles) ~ why don't people have a problem with these?

  10. I have 2 crocheted neck scarves and I have a "buggy" tree for my friend. I guess I have been lucky because I have never had an interaction with her on a "bad" day.....or after she has been tormented by teenagers bored and seeking entertainment. But she has done much to lift my spirits this last year with her yell and enthusiastic wave... With a voice that spans 6 lanes of traffic...she will stop talking or beating her tamborine just to say..

    'HEY BABY'.

    I Love Miss Jesse... I'm thrilled when I see her and worry about her when I don't....so I want to share some Holiday cheer with my very spiritual friend.

    When I was younger and kinda missed the big picture....I thought this was a time of year to really focus on helping folks less fortunate. Now I know that I am the one who is less fortunate....and that by giving I am granted the opportunity to witness the beauty of friends not tethered to material issues.

    ....So I am off to collect my precious gift, share some cheer, and revisit the concept of being humble; If you guys will just help me find my friend,


    Thanks...Love to you :wub: all and I hope each of you have a peaceful and meaningful Holiday.




    That is very sweet of you! this is what the season is truly about.

  11. If you drink a lot of sodas or citrus or other acidic things, your gold will turn your skin black sometimes. It's fun to get someone who has a lot of acid in their system to run a gold ring down their face. It can leave a lovely black line.


    well I have been drinking a lot more diet cokes lately....

    I will cut down now and see what happens.


    I haven't been eating too good lately either... just been busy.


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