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Posts posted by kat03

  1. You are right Stan's mom should not have let him drive, but that is a totally different story. But Stan WAS NOT driving this night, yes it was his car, but Justin was driving it, and I am sure Stan's Mom did not say yes you can let all your friends drive "race" in this car.


    stan aksed him to drive,so he wouldnt get in troulbe.Stan's mom has been letting him drive that car since he was 14.now i feel very sorry for her,i know exactly what shes going through.its so funny how the parents of stan and brett are not pressing any charges,but you people think they deserve it.Sorry but in situation like this NOBODY is at falt.

  2. Rather than focusing your attention on the kids who were charged and extending them your sympathy, how about looking at the situation from the point of view of the two young men who were killed as a direct result of their recklessness. Maybe they didn't mean for this to happen. But, it did, and Justin and Ally are responsible.


    number one stan and brett were both very good friends of mine,brett anyways.(if you even know them)so than what happens to stans mom shouldnt she be punished to???i mean after all she shouldnt have been leting him drive,starting at the age of 14. if she hadnt been leting drive(illegaly)than none of it would have happend.by the way did you know that justin has tryed to kill himself several times since hes been in the hospital????????

  3. At the HH and EP basketball game last night someone said that the 2 kids killed in recent car wreck was racing and the other car was a female driver and she has been charged with 2 counts of vehicle homicide.

    Don't know just asking if anyone knows or not

    Edited due to it was not rumored it was confirmed



    :( Justin Hotchkiss and Ally Dunlevy (whom was the girl who saw everything) are chaged with vehicle homicide. at the time of the accident, justin and ally were racing.Ally had been drinking but will not be charged for d.u.i.Justin is still in the hospital being treated and will be arrested as soon as treatment is done.i take it that Ally has already been arrested. anybody who knows Justin knows that he is a very good person and never in a million years would have wanted this to happen. Stan and Brett were very very good friends of his.cops dont always,barley ever make the right decisions as far as these cases go.this is not what Stan and Brett would have ever wanted. the poor guy has enough on his shoulders already,dont ya think???????????????????? this case reminds me of a case of another friend of mine,daniel henry.Whom never would have wanted what Steven Fredrick.God Bless you, be safe i think now would a very good time for every body to bow their heads and say a prair.

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