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Posts posted by Sage

  1. We PAY for them for years if they get locked away all while they sit in jail watching tv getting an education, getting fed, they are warm and dry and able to still breath. What about the child?

    The only thing good out of them sitting is jail is they become somebodies b%*#h.

  2. This case has really disturbed me, I have a hard time understanding the evilness of these people.


    Child molesters do not deserve 2nd chances peroid.... Appeals should be null and void and these rabid humans should be put to death oh soooooooooo slow. Painfully slow...


    Save the taxpayers money from keeping these maggots warm and fed and breathing.

  3. I say tie em' to a stake, pour honey on em' and let the ants have a feast. All of them. I got the stakes and the honey and some rope...Tax payers money is saved and justice is served.I am tired of good money being wasted on trash like this.

  4. I feel there should be an audit, it is clear they mismanaged the funds from the previous splosts. With politicans you have to ball hardball.


    WE THE PEOPLE should run this county not the Good ole boys remember that and always vote. WE THE PEOPLE can make a change in who we put in office to manage our funds and who oversees our childrens education.


    Always vote it does make a difference.

  5. Awwww how sad...


    I remember those days..We lost Pig (Piglet) once at Lowes on 120 and it was terrible. We got home, got ready for a nap and no pig, I went back to all the places we had gone that morning retraced all my steps and found him in the paint dept at Lowes. We never lost him again. In fact it is 12 yrs later and pig proudly sits on my dresser all tattered and sewn up and dirty.He won't come clean. He was loved very much.

    I sure hope you find him.


    I know how how important to a little one their lovies can be.


    Good luck hon.

  6. Thanks everyone, the growing is my concern too. I have a cyst on my leg but its not growing so that makes me wonder. Wasn't Dr Luger the vet at the rabies clinic here while back? She is in New Ga right? Thats fairly close to me. At the clinic I almost ask her about it but decided not too, she was busy, now I wish I had...My vets wait and see attitude is not to my liking.


    Thanks again for all the responses.

  7. My lab has a swollen teet. This started about 4 months ago when she was in heat.

    We noticed the teet and took her to the vet he said it was a cyst and not to worry, we've taken her back again because it is growing and he still says a cyst. I want a 2nd opinion before it grows anymore. Please someone recommend a reasonable vet that won't charge me an arm and a leg, I just got through depleting my savings on my pos car to get my tag. I am afraid it is something worse than a cyst it doesn't seem to bother her its not tender or sore when you touch it(It seems).In fact it may bother me more than her.

  8. We carry 20k wholelife on both kids. I want them to be laid to rest properly if something should ever happen. After seeing the financial burden it put on my parents to bury a child I want my children covered. I plan to keep a policy on them for the rest of their life.


    I carry life insurance on hubby and I too..I want my kids taken care of if something should happen to either or both of us.


    Be prepared...

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