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Posts posted by SRA

  1. Well, you all make some good points. It sounds as if the Commissioner wants to help us and does here us (sort of). If I understand what I read, it is that the prices of homes ALONG with the trees and the "hometown" feel is what brought people here to begin with. It also appears that those are things that we are loosing. I personally, had a "cracker jack boxed" home, and took care of it, and sold out BEFORE my neighborhood went to molded siding, tall grass hiding the cars in the yard neighborhood, and while I was grateful for the opportunity to start out small with little fear of crippling debt or foreclosure, I agree that it was not an ideal neighborhood, and had little to offer. I just got out before the foreclosures and inadequate maintance of the homes surrounded me. I acutally live in one of the many apartment complexes that are in the county, while I look for a new home. I thought I lived in a nice neighborhood here, until I found out that my neighbor sells X, and my druken teacher neighbor was with minor girls in his apartment.

    As a previous school teacher, I can tell you from first hand experience that the schools here are inadequate. At times I had 30+ 4th graders in the same size classroom that held only 20 kindergartens (which is great, and a total state thing), but my concerns are when is enough enough, what will it take to get the building to slow so that the planning can actually happen BEFORE the building, so that the schools are designed to hold what we are sure will come, why cant we keep some trees (I personally will be very very sad to see the last dirt roads paved, and beautiful tree lined sky lines, like the ones from Dabbs Bridge replaced with homes that may or may not offer any "curb appeal"), why cant builders build a home that is not outrageously priced, but still adds value and attracts buyers that WILL keep up a home (I know the answer to that GREED), why cant the county tell us the thruth about the crime that IS happening, and why is it that the ELECTED officials work with the people with money (AKA...airport supporters) and not the people that really want the best for the county?

    Two things and I THINK I am done.....why did the county JUST START trying to clean up the area of drug dealers that is where the NEW courthouse is going....after YEARS AND YEARS of the same neighborhood having the same activity?

    Also, while I lived in "the lower income community"...I was a teacher, mind you, and I now live in an apartment, I would have figured out what to do next had those things not been available to me, so while convient for me, not what I would consider a necessity.

  2. Mr. Colvard at Roberts Elementary is the greatest!  My kids love him. We have been there since the day the school opened between all three of our kids and he has done an outstanding job!  He does a great job of keeping the parents informed of what is going on.


    My oldest is in High School now and we love Mr. Kuss too!


    When reading this I had to stop and think about it for a minute. I am going to assume that he has come a long way since first becoming a principal. What is the teacher turnover like at his school?

  3. I wonder if 75, 575, or 41 had anything to do with all of the business that developed around the airports mentioned earlier? If we develop that amount of business, it will be interesting trying to get around Hiram and down 278 as all of the new transportation tries to get to an interstate, as well as those people that will still be driving to the metro area to work because for every job that the airport creates there is probably 2 homes built and sold to new residents and each home has the potential to have 2 working people per home. How do we plan on handling this? Anyone?

  4. :excl: Has anyone read the article about how the county is planning on "taking" the man's land for the new airport for what is believed to be a very unfair amount? This is outrageous. While the total amount of money may be a lot, the man should not have to sale his land if that is not what he wants to do, esp. if he feels the price is not right. It is rumored that one of the county officials has told a land owner near the proposed airport that he needed to sell his land for an outrageously low amount, and when the homeowner said no, he was told that it would just be condemned. As citizens of Paulding County we should be outraged that our elected officials have no more respect for the residents of this county. You may think that the people should do give up what they own because it is what is good for the county, but I ask you this if it was yours, your parents, or your children's home or land would you feel the same? I would think not. Some people think they would do anything for money, but who is the government to decide your price? The Paulding Government is only concerned with the bottom line, not the real costs.
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