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Posts posted by carolinagilr

  1. Mom's side--Scotch/Irish/Native American--specifically Chickasaw

    Dad's side--European (not specifically known, possibly England) and Native American ---Cherokee. My Great Grandmother was a full-blooded Cherokee Indian. You can see that in our skin tones a lot in my familly.

    I guess I am a mixture of a lot of stuff.

  2. It's crazy...we were just in Dallas on Sunday. We saw no gas available in many places. but we were able to fill up on Thorton Rd. on our way back home to SC. We are not having that much of a problem here. A lot of places only have Reg Unleaded but they have it and prices are anywhere between $3.98-$4.02. I hope you guys get some soon!

  3. My best friend saw a sneek preview this past weekend in NC. She loved it! Said everyone should see it and to take a box of tissues. I know I will. Check out the website for unknow facts. They really want people to see it b/c the movie theaters may not show it more than 1 week if they do not have enough people. (It's an independent film/Christian Film) so they are thinking it won't do very well. So go see it!

  4. Ok..I am a SC Girl after all!

    Born in Columbia, SC Lived there until 1984.

    Lived in Blythewood, SC (just north of COlumbia) until 2000

    Got married, moved to Alpharetta, GA

    Then to Smyrna, and then to Dallas (New Hope area) until 2005.

    Back in Blythewood, SC.

    I do miss Georgia and will be back next weekend for a quick visit!

  5. A few days ago I asked for prayer for my mother who was in an accident. Well, she came home yesterday and is on the mend. Just wanted to say thanks for those who prayed or had well wishes. :)

  6. My momma was in a car accident on Sunday. She is 68 and has a lot of health problems. She has a bleed on her brain and the neurologist is very concerned about it getting bigger. They have taken her off of her blood thinners (she has very bad heart disease) and are hoping that will stop the bleeding. The area seems bigger than on Sunday's scan. We are worried. We just got through early this summer with Daddy's treatment for lung cancer. I don't know how much more some of us can handle this. If you pray, please pray. If you think good thoughts, I appreciate that too! I am hanging in there mainly because I know she is in the best place to be taken care of--the hospital that we trust and know takes great care of her. I also know that my prayers and the prayers of family and friends are heard. Thank you!

  7. Thank you to everyone for replying, I am stressing a bit because I know the call will be coming, its just a matter of when. Hubby and I both want to go now, and be able to see her before she passes....but, they live in Hot Springs, AR....thats a long drive thats going to cost alot of money. if we go now, stay and visit for a few days, and she does not pass while we are there.....we have to turn around and come home....then we are looking at having to probably turn right back around and go back for her funeral...the doctors have told everone to prepare the family, her heart is now only pumping at 10% capacity.


    So it's a totally sucky waiting game :(

    My hubby and I just went through the same thing. It's so hard sitting and waiting for that dreaded call. :( We ended up waiting and going up with the rest of the family (we had to go to Western Massachusetts). As far as clothes, church clothes and a change of shoes. My mom always told me that Grandkids can wear white. I guess it just depends on the family. I have a friend whose family would tell them what color they wanted them to wear.

  8. i was just talking with my mom about this! (not for her btw!). Her sisters were buried in night gowns. One had to have slippers b/c she never went bare footed. My brother was buried in a button up shirt and pants. No shoes (i think!). I want to be buried in my most comfortable clothes. Jeans and a t-shirt. Flip flops will be just fine. My sis can do my hair--- up in a bun. That's how it is 99.9% of the time anyway! But you know what, i hope Jesus comes back first. I don't want my family to have to worry about this anyway! :)

  9. ok..i have read through all of this...as a teacher (in SC) our supply list is more like a suggestion. I can't require anything from my kids. We ask for many things. I do take things up but put names on those things that are NOT already labeled. I also send back cute/fancy pencils and folders (they can be used at home). I keep kleenex, germ gel, soap, and pencils. We also ask for plastic baggies. I keep those. Where are children to put them in 2nd grade? Have you seen their desks? I even have cubbies for each child and they are still messy. I keep things and pull them out as needed. I have yet to have a parent complain, nag, or be upset b/c i have collected those items. Items with names go to that child and that child only. I spend money from my school and my state (SC teachers get 275!! for the year) on supplies for kids who don't send it in. There is a big number of kids in Title I schools who just don't bring any in for whatever reason. I guess it's different in every state. I worked in Paulding Co. and Cobb, and Gwinnett. (5 yr. total) and each place is different and so is each teacher. If you are concerned, I think it's appropriate to talk to that child's teacher. And yes, by 3rd grade, kids should be able to keep up with their own "stuff". I teach 2nd (have for almost 7 years now) and they still need a lot of assistance at times, not always.

  10. DUH Star wars. What boy on this earth dosen't like those movies :yahoo:

    yes! and I agree with a lot of the others too! The Outsiders, To Kill a Mockingbird, Ferris Beuler's Day Off, SPaceballs.....ahhh....the list could go on and on


    One of these days I'm going to watch that movie. :blush:

    read the book so many times i can quote the very first page! loved it!

  11. my doc. (here in sc) is very thorough. VERY! He has given me scrips, and says use them IF needed. Each doc. is different I guess. But when I have gone to a walk-in place, I always ask my pharmacist if I really need it. Several times an over the counter did the same thing and it cost me less!

  12. I would say it could be hormones and was thinking about the possibility that they (the hormones) could be "out of whack". Now, I know that is probably hard to determine b/c of puberty. Just a thought. My bro-in-law had low testosterone levels. He could not grow a full beard, had little hair on his body (says sis!!!). Could a doc. determine that at this age? I am just thinking that's all.

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