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Posts posted by realityjunky

  1. I can feel for them. This time last year my dad was having heart surgery at St. Joseph. He ended up in ICU for weeks thru Thanksgiving. Today was exactly 1 year from the surgery. He is living with congestive heart failure BUT he has made it one year and we have been blessed to have him this year. He is 75 years young and we hope we have him around for years to come. He is weak at times but keeps on trucking.


    God is good.

  2. My son had an accident about two years ago. He topped a hill on 92 and there sit a car stopped in the middle of the road looking at a car that was off the road in the ditch. He could not stop and hit the lady that was stopped in the road. I realize that if you hit someone in the rear it is following too close but he said that the whole way down 92 that veh was not in front of him and must have turned out and stopped just over the hill.


    Lucky the lady that he hit did not compain of any injury (she worked for an insurance company) SHe came to help out my kids (then 17 and 14) My daughter was hurt by the air bag in the face and since an ambulance was already inroute to the car in the ditch she got to tag along in the ambulance(AT full price I might add....never could get the ambulance co. to understand that they were getting paid twice for the same trip) Lucky she was ok just a swollen face for a week or so and sore for about as long. When I saw the other driver I could have been mad for her being in the road stopped but I was just so greatful that my kids were ok and that she had been so kind to my kids.


    My son's car (my paid off car) was totaled but all we paid for the lady he it was the repair to the back of her SUV.


    There are some decent people around.

  3. I was on Mt. Tabor about that time but I didnt see anything sorry. I do know that a friend of my daughter (another Jr. Girl) has a silver honda but she doesnt even get on the road until after 8 - that is why my daughter doesnt ride with her. Anyway if you go into the parking lot - dont pick her car.


    Also I had an incident several years ago with what I considered at EPHS student and when I went to school to report it the campus cop said that they could not control what happend off campus.


    Good luck - I am on that road in the morning and I dont want to get hit. I'll keep my eyes out foryou.

  4. Please tell me that they are going to pave the portion of Ivy Gulledge at Frey. They have dug it up several times and each time they leave it worse than the time before....... There is going to be a head on wreck if they dont fix it. People going around the piece of metal covering part of the problem and the big hole left in the other lane.




  5. I was told and it worked to put a paper place with liquid soap in it. The next day there were tons of fleas that were dead in the soap.


    The biggest thing is to treat outside. There is treatments that you can spread outside that kills fleas and a whole bunch of other critters.


    If you have not heard of CAPSTAR ask your vet about it. Capstar is not like revolution as an ongoing treatment. It is a flea pill that will make the fleas on your pet die and fall off........ It is kinda neat to watch them die. You will have to do other treatments to keep them off but the same Capstar tablets to cats and dogs so you dont have to buy different pills.


    You can get it from the internet pet companies just put in the work Capstar.


    Good luck ---- I am fighting them too.


    The first good frost might get um for good!!!!!!

  6. Thanks for the info.


    It could not be better........ I want Janell gone and Howie next!!!!


    I want Maggie to win.....


    I guess we will have to wait until Tues for the next new show.....


    Maybe we can actually do something on Sat besides BB. I am so hooked that I work my evenings around it.

  7. I was at the funeral. I knew Josh from his Middle School years and ROTC and Boy Scouts with my son. Even though it had been a while since I had seen him -- things they said about him was the same ol' Josh. The service was moving and even funny at times when they would say something that was funny about Josh. If you knew him you would understand how fitting those statements were. At one moment the lights dimmed and then came on only to dim again. The preacher blamed that on Josh - it lightened the mood. The music was great, the words were fitting and conforting. At one point they had a video of Josh talking about learning how to witness to his friends. Hearing his voice and seeing him was very moving!!!!


    I went to the grave side - the trip that was amazing. All the people, young and old, on the sides of the road what a sight. Thanks to all of you that showed up along the route..... I dont know how you knew to be when to be there - the funeral went long, but you stuck it out and it was very appreciated!!!


    Once the grave side service started it started thundering. Just as the military was finished with their part of the grave side service and the people were dismissed - the bottom fell out. It was like heaven was crying too. It was fiting for the end of a long day.


    THanks Paulding!!!!!! You done Josh Proud!!!!!

  8. I watched the news reports on WXIA and on UPN and it was sweet, BUT I can't believe it was the third or 4th story. The prayer vigal for Coretta Scott King was the 1st on each channel........give me a break. Yes she is an icon but people have strokes every day ---- it is not every day a local 19 year old that fought for our country is brought back after dying in Iraq.


    Where are their priorities??????

  9. I was there with my son and daughter and some of their friends that have known Josh for years. Seeing the flag drapped coffin was more than my daughter could take. I turned around and my son that was in ROTC and Boy Scouts with Josh was overcome as well. Please pray for the Dingler family and the friends of Josh that are trying to deal with his death.


    Thanks for the great show of appreciation.

  10. Thanks to all!!!


    I appreciate the welcome. The one thing great about Big Brother is that it comes on 3 times a week instead of 1 time.


    My sister, her daugher in law, my daughter and me always make a game out of each reality show. We pick out of a hat on the first day of the show our "team" and if one out of our team wins the other three have to honor the other's request. Shopping spree, dinner etc. The main problem with this is that by the end of the season I dont even like my people on my team --- Like I have Howie and he is really getting on my nerves.


    THis side game kinda makes it even more interesting for us.



  11. Thanks for the welcome!!!!


    I dont watch the live feed - My sister does but I try to get her to keep from telling me ahead of time. I watched last year and wasted way to much time in front of the computer so this year I am treating it like any other reality show - watching it as it unfolds on TV.


    Do you gals watch other reality like Survivor, Amazing Race etc? Im 49 but I love them all.


    GLAD to know there are others out there into what I watch.

  12. For those of us that want to line up further out ..... what road are they traveling to get to the funeral home???? Are they coming from 278? to 61? I just know if there is a bunch of us (and I hope there is) I surely dont want to be on the wrong side of the funeral home.

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