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Posts posted by cc812

  1. husband and i went last year for 10th wedding anniversery,we stayed at the bellaigo it was great, we went see danny ganns it was awesome buy tickets today online , also treasure island has a free show at night thats great. it was my first plane ride i was very nervous but i did it and would not go any other way now, walk the strip go inside as many hotels there awesome,so wear your walking shoes. have a great time!

  2. my step son is 16 years old and was diag. with cytomegelo virus or cmv (i think thats how its spelled) anyway his mother was a carrier and she had a kidney infection during her 8th month of pregnancy the cmv then crosses placenta and he was infected , this is the worst when in utero the later the better because everything is already devolped for our son he is completely deaf in one ear and profound in the other ear , he is a little learnig delayed i know when he was very small his back muscles were very weak,and he did have some calcium deposits/leasion on the brain. he goes to regular school ,not an a student , but b and c, he does very well he is a typical teenage boy.

  3. Sometimes if a patient is unstable ,the ems team needs an extra person, usually there are only two to the truck, if this was a baby most likely he/she needed an extra hand to help with this patient. my prayers are with these two ,i couldnt imagine losing a child,or my child being without me.

  4. the www.familywachdog.us is a great website i have already been using it, they will email you when there is a move in your area. Go on the web site when you enter your address , a map with little boxes on it click on the boxes it will give photos ,address, dates , how far from you address , i was quite scared when all those boxes represented someone, there are many in paulding. i showed a nurse i work with this site and she was shocked to relize that she and her two small children had a 10 minute conversation in the toy isle at walmart in hiram, he was alone and in the toy isle. she freaked!!

  5. walgreens seabands are a must ,iused them with my first pregnancy after throwing up for 6 weeks after i started wearing them it stopped , my second pregnancy i wore them from the begining never got sick once they are great ,wore them 24/7 unless thaking a shower, also a exta vit. b6 no more than 50 mg tabs once a day helped...good luck but def. get the seabands in the area where the motion sickness stuff is price about 10.00 17 months ago

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