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Posts posted by KennyDobbs

  1. if you go to court for your first ticket the judge will allow you to plead nolo and usually reduce the ticket 5mph. Happened to me. You still have to pay the fine though. And the judge does not decide to put points on your record.

  2. Last week of July. Got a little time, to check things out. I saw the bubble room website last night and it looked nice. I was aware of the toll, and it kind of sucks having to pay that.

  3. oh this is a touchy subject. The Fair Tax law has some flaws in it, but i am willing to give it a try if it means the govt would stop taking money out of my paycheck. The only thing i dont like is that the sales tax on everything will go up dramicaly. But i think i can deal with that knowing i am now bringing home my gross pay and not my net pay. I am all for the Fair Tax lets give it a try and get rid of the "TEMP TAX SYSTEM" that was set up after the civil war on for the rebuilding of the south and then it was suppose to be done away with. hmm too me i think the south has been rebuilt since 1865, and 140 years later we are stilling pay taxes.

  4. you know i just want to live my life without waking up one day and hearing those words. Some new causes cancer. I dont wont to sound like like i dont care about stuff like this because i do, but seems like everything you see or hear about today gives you cancer. Before to much longer we are all going to be living in padded houses wondering if the cushions are going to give us cancer. We all need to just live a normal life and not worry about stuf like this

  5. Just a quick comment. Someone has to run against him first. The last few elections he has pretty much been up against no one and no one has stepped up to do anything about it. You ask me Hiram needs someone to replan all the building crap and get rid of so many dang redlights. There is a part of Jonesboro Rd south of atlanta that has an area built like ours and no where near the traffice problem we have. The build everything on one side of the road and mde 4 entrances to the area that are like a 1/2 apart.

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