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Posts posted by Cerridwen

  1. Morning everyone


    Like Soapmom, still bit teary, but got headache and eyes hurt from crying so much yesterday, but life does go on. Steve is gone already this morning to do work.


    I will be cleaning this house up.


    LPPT, so glad your back home and Frankie is back to normal. You have been through so much, bless your heart.





    :( sending hugs your way!

  2. Conceptually and in electrical engineering theory; Comcast can never be as good as Bellsouth. DSL does not lose bandwidth because all of the cards in a DSLAM are being consumed. OTOH; with 75 ohm coax the bandwidth will drop any time other neighbors of yours are using bandwidth on the same trunk you are. The best scenario you can afford is if you are close to the DSLAM, ask Bellsouth to give you extreme DSL 6.0 and a fixed IP address. The only way to get better than that configuration is to have a T3 run directly to your house over fast fibre.



    That all sounds very technical. All I can go on is experience. I had dial up before Bellsouth DSL that was faster. I switched to Comcast and have never regretted it.

  3. "For those revisionist and fundalmentalist who wish to protray this Nation as Christian founded"


    I am neither a revisionist or fundamentalist, but the FACT is that our country was founded by Christians.


    If you don't believe me, check out Founding Father Patrick Henry's quote circa 1780 “It can not be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!”


    No offense intended, but if you are truly Mensa bound, you should do better research of American history and the founding fathers of this nation.

  4. Now you all can see what a beauty she was!





    She loved to give kisses!




    She was a beauty and a real personality, Soapmom. I'm glad I got to meet her. I'm so sorry for your loss. :wub:

  5. IMHO, yes it would have been better. But the country at that point in time felt there was a true, real fear and threat from the "Godless communists" and therefore felt like making a statement. Of course the Knights of Columbus majorly lobbied and pushed the point to get it changed to begin with.




    Absolutely! And I'll continue to take that stance, and continue to support EVERY AMERICAN'S RIGHT to choose, to voice, to reason, and to share. 100%.


    However, try to come into my little sphere of life and force me to bend to your beliefs because mine make you uncomfortable, and you're going to find out that my bite can be as deep as my bark. ;)


    And I love you! :wub:

  6. I used to think people were crazy when they talked about a "war" on Christianity by various groups.


    After recognizing a definite pattern in the media and elsewhere over the last year I have changed my mind.


    Christianity has become the whipping post because it is not politically correct to criticize other religions.


    I personally don't have any problem with Christianity, mrshoward. Only the Christians who want to make it our nations only religion.

    If they feel there is a war on their beliefs I would recommend them walking in some others' shoes sometime.


    I was being somewhat sarcastic, and I am sure the reference is to the Christian God, and I don't have a problem with that myself.



    I don't have a problem thinking God can refer to any deity. I also have no problem saying the pledge. I do it every morning at work, along with bowing my head and praying silently during the "moment of silent reflection".

  7. Yeah. Which god do you think it refers to? Allah?


    Gosh, are you being sarcastic?

    In my dictionary, god is defined as the supreme being or ultimate reality, infinite mind, universal spirit. No where can I find that the word God specifically refers to the God of the Christian bible.

  8. Ah! But the attitude is there no matter what she has seen or hasn't seen.


    I am curious though, what is her birthsign? I have noticed certain astrological signs have certain attitudes. Aquarians throw the best temper tantrums! July birthdays come next.


    I would have to disagree with you, PsychoMom. I raised an Aquarius, Cancer and Scorpio. No one throws a tantrum like a Cancer. Hands down. :lol:


    EDT: Never mind the astrology naysayers. :rolleyes:

    Also: anyone who thinks they hide everything from their children is kidding themselves. Children see more than we ever realize. So, while I believe in genetic personality traits, I also believe we live what we learn (till we learn better, of course ;) )

  9. But don't you know it's all about them mean old bad Christians and their awful beliefs?


    No, it's about all the Christians who think "God" refers to their God and only theirs.

    Some Christians need to remember that Jesus was the one on the cross and therefore they're not supposed to need to be on one, too. -_-

  10. It depends on the "vibe" I get from the person. If it's a friend, family or husband then absolutely. If I'm meeting yu for the first time and I don't hug you there are two possibilities a.) I sense that you don't want to be hugged/touched or b.) there is something about you that makes me not want to touch you.

    I haven't met a lot of people that I felt that way about, but there are some for sure.

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