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Posts posted by boxcarcop

  1. When are they going to start a class on how to be a good wife? I sure have seen some around Paulding that could use a few lessons. I know me are idiots! Just look at some of the weman we marry. Take my wife for instance.....PLEASE. LOL But really now that I have your attention I thought the classes would be great for most men.

  2. I know Pat Lanzo and have eaten at his place several times over the years. Pat is a good person. He is openionated but if you think about it who isn't at times. The thing to remember here is the people that are saying the most against his sign are not even from Paulding County! They are from Atlanta and Douglas county. Why does it bother them that Pat puts up a sign on a back road that few people even pay attention to except those of us who know Pat and are always looking to see what crazy thing he will do next to get a rise out of someone. You see, that is his true reason for the sign. He wants to get people thinking about what's going on around the world and point out some of the inequality that goes on in the world. You are right in that it is OK for them to say the N word but let a white person say it and the NAACP wants to hang them.


    I am a police officer and can't tell you how often I hear blacks refer to each other with the N word. They see nothing wrong with it but white Americans are given a different standard. Why? Isn't this country supposed to have one standard for all?


    Pat Lanzo has a right to say what he feels and I served for many years in the Marine Corps to fight for that right. People forget that when we complain about someone using their right of free speach we are trying to turn the clock back to WW2 Germany. Do you thing Hitler would have allowed free speach? No, that is one of the things that make this country great. We allow disagreement with each other as well as the government. Trying to block or regulate free speach is a road that we do not want to go down because it leads to a place where no speach is free. Leave Pat alone and he will change the sign is time.

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